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“I’m working hard so I don’t have to fight HIV” – POLITICO


Dr. Jared Betten, Vice President of Clinical Research, Gilead Sciences | Via Gilead Sciences

Ending HIV as an epidemic by 2030 is not only the EU’s goal, but also the unleashing of its potential. The potential for people affected by the disease to lead a fulfilling, vibrant and free life. And the bold and transformative scientific potential to deliver drugs that will ultimately end HIV.Where is it Dr. Jared Betten Come in.

As Vice President of Clinical Research at Gilead Sciences, he leads the company’s strategy for treating and preventing HIV. As part of our telescope series, he spoke to POLITICO Studio during COVID-19 about the quest for solutions in Europe and the situation in the fight against HIV. New AIDS epidemic..

Q. HIV in Europe has come a long way since the 1980s, when being HIV positive was considered a death, It is in a manageable state. What lessons do we need to learn from success stories, especially in Europe?

A. Success comes from where testing, treatment and prevention are all available. Where the community is involved. And where political leaders become voice defenders.

One great example is the participation of European cities. Fast track city Initiatives, Targeted Global Partnerships Achieve 90 percent of people diagnosed with HIV, 90% of people diagnosed with antiretroviral treatment (ART), and 90% of people receiving ART treatment are virus-suppressed worldwide.

Cities like Amsterdam have exceeded their goals and are now achieving their 95-95-95 goals.To FranceIn cities like Montpellier, new HIV infections are significantly reduced. For European leaders, the success of this initiative is a great opportunity to learn the best approach from each other so that cities and countries are not left behind.

Q. With the great advances in HIV treatment, complacency with the urgency of elimination has become an issue. As a result, HIV activity is suffering. How can we bring the fight back to the public consciousness?

A. The goal was always to work hard enough so that we don’t have to fight anymore. The challenge is what we did very well and we are actually seeing the end. But we’re not there yet, and we can’t give up gas before we reach that horizon. Community and political involvement needs to be doubled. Entertainment is very influential here.

As of February, tests in the UK have tripled since the BBC aired the good old days of AIDS in the 1980s, “It’s a Sin.” That is entertainment that stimulates true consciousness. It also needs to get the attention of European policy makers and politicians.

Q. You have advocated a people-centric approach to HIV treatment. What exactly does this mean?

A. It is about allowing people to choose treatment and prevention, the best options for them, which reflect their needs, reality and abilities. By giving people choices, they can make choices, which leads to greater commitment to treatment and better results.

It’s a lot like contraception. The more options available, the better women can make the choices that suit them. We should want the same freedom for people living with or at risk of HIV.

Q. Will there be an HIV vaccine?

A. The development of HIV vaccines is a tremendous scientific challenge we have faced for over 40 years. We’re obviously not there yet, but the world is seeing the benefits of this investment. We got the COVID-19 vaccine thanks to our HIV vaccine research. COVID’s work is built directly on the investment in technology and innovation developed for the HIV work. It clearly shows how current R & D investment can be successful in one area and later in multiple ways, and why continuous innovation is absolutely necessary.

Q. Forty years after the HIV epidemic, AIDS remains the leading cause of death for reproductive age women around the world. Why have women been left behind as a leader in women and HIV prevention?

A. Stigma and discrimination prevent effective prevention of women. Condoms are a man’s choice. Getting treatment is a man’s choice. Therefore, putting human-centered preventive options in the hands of women is the driving force behind my entire research career.

6000 women infected with HIV Weekly In the world. Especially in Europe 50,000 women are infected with HIV each year.. It’s time to end the silence about sexual health and give women the option to protect themselves.

Q. COVID-19 threatens to set back decades of progress in the fight against HIV. What should policy makers do to integrate the fight against HIV and COVID-19?

A. In a year, COVID emphasized everything he learned in his 40 years in the fight against HIV. It is shown that we are all connected. No one is safe until everyone is safe. And the ones with the highest risk are often the most vulnerable. Both illnesses are tracking faults in our society. But they both reveal the power of science and public involvement in resolving the global health crisis.

You can learn how to get rid of HIV faster from COVID. COVID certainly proves that we can provide medical care more flexibly. Digital tools and other people-centric coordination have made people more convenient and less likely to be prejudiced or discriminated against outside the clinic. We need to advance and expand that flexibility and focus on those who are taking care of HIV treatment and prevention. This is a breakthrough opportunity to accelerate our progress.

Q. I worked with Dr. Forch, who is known as an American doctor for COVID-19, and the real claim to his medical fame is HIV. What did you learn from Dr. Fauci as an advocate and researcher?

A. I learned to lead science from Dr. Forch. Be clear and compassionate in my communication. Listen to the community. And especially to partners. It is not possible for one organization or government to end AIDS by 2030. We all have to play our part. At Gilead, we are working on our job.

Q. What is your motive for continuing the fight?

A. Working to end the epidemic has always been very personal to me. My work is driven by a strong sense of justice, fairness, and a desire for the best health care for everyone everywhere. Like Dr. Fauci, I am both a scientist and an advocate. One day we were ill and we finally won, so I hope to quit my job.


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