In the United States, colon cancer kills 50,000 people annually.Know the risk factors
Dr. Sumitra
Colorectal cancer kills more than most people understand.
According to the CDC, more than 140,000 people are diagnosed with colorectal cancer each year in the United States, and more than 50,000 die of colorectal cancer.
We must make every effort to spread the word and work together to make a difference.
Abnormal growth, also known as polyps, can form in the colon and rectum. Some colorectal polyps can turn into cancer over time.
Screening helps detect such polyps and colorectal cancer in the early stages when treatment is most effective.
Risk factors for colorectal cancer include familial adenomatous polyposis, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis), family or personal history of colorectal cancer, and hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (Lynch syndrome). )It is included.
Other lifestyle factors that may contribute to an increased risk of colorectal cancer include lack of regular physical activity, overweight, obesity, tobacco and alcohol intake.
Efforts should be made to minimize high-fat and processed meat-rich diets and maximize the use of high-fiber diets rich in fruits and vegetables.
Studies have shown that taking low doses of aspirin can help prevent colorectal cancer in some adults, depending on age and risk factors.
The US Colorectal Cancer Multisocial Task Force (MSTF) recommends that screening of people at average risk begin at age 50.
However, recently, the American Cancer Society has published recommendations for starting colon screening at age 45 in a population of patients at average risk.
Colorectal polyps and colorectal cancer may initially remain asymptomatic. Therefore, a screening strategy is essential for colorectal cancer.
Changes in bowel habits, weight loss, blood in the stool (defecation), persistent abdominal pain, pain and cramps are some of the symptoms of colorectal cancer.
Precancerous polyps and early colorectal cancer do not always cause symptoms. Colorectal cancer screening tests look for cancer in asymptomatic people. They can detect and eliminate precancerous growth or even early-stage cancer if easy to treat.
There are several screening tests for colorectal cancer, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.
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A stool test is a non-invasive screening test that can be done at home. It includes the collection of stool samples and is sent to the laboratory for further analysis.
A fecal immunochemical test (FIT) is recommended to be repeated annually because it uses antibodies to detect hidden blood in the stool.
A guayak-based fecal occult blood test detects blood in the stool, which is a possible sign of polyps or cancer. We also recommend repeating it every year.
The fecal DNA test (FIT-DNA), also known as the brand name Cologuard, is recommended to look for mutations in both blood and DNA and repeat every 3 years. Abnormal results of any of these stool tests require subsequent colonoscopy.
National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month is held in March every year.
This provides healthcare providers with a valuable opportunity to educate the community about colorectal disease and promote a deeper understanding of colorectal cancer screening, prevention, and treatment.
Wear a blue ribbon and discuss colorectal cancer with family and friends.
Volunteer and raise money for advocacy groups working to advance research and treatment.
The most recommended way to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer is to be aware of the risk factors and to be screened for colorectal cancer on a regular basis. So don’t wait!
Dr. Sumitra is accepting new patients and can be contacted at 321-622-6222. Call now to discuss the risks of developing colorectal cancer and how to reduce those risks.
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