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A slight increase in vaccine dose over the next two weeks, with a significant increase expected in late March

A slight increase in vaccine dose over the next two weeks, with a significant increase expected in late March


The state’s highest public health officials expect a slight increase in COVID-19 vaccine suppleness in Maine over the next two weeks on Tuesday, but a significant increase is expected nationwide by the end of March or early April. Said.

The state has also announced a new program that allows people with transportation problems to get a free ride on vaccine reservations. This is a development that may help address the vaccination gap for vulnerable individuals.

Dr. Nirav Shah, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Maine, said next week’s supply of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines would be at most thousands more than this week. Maine received 45,150 doses this week, down from 55,060 last week, but still much higher than the previous week.

“In the next few weeks, Both Pfizer and Moderna are expected to increase Be conservative, “he said during a briefing with the media on Tuesday.

The 55,060 doses were mostly “cleaning the shelves” of the newly approved Johnson & Johnson vaccine, increasing Maine’s vaccine supply by 15,000 last week. It will take weeks to fully increase Johnson & Johnson vaccine production, but Shah said he expects Maine to increase significantly from the last week of March to April.

Maine Health and Welfare Commissioner Jeanne Lambreux said the Maine age-based system is still on track for people over the age of 50 who will begin booking vaccines on April 1. Stated. Child care workers of all ages.

According to a news release, the boarding program announced on Tuesday will offer “ride for residents of Maine who cannot drive, have no reliable transportation, or otherwise cannot travel to schedule.” Call 855-608-5172 to arrange a ride after booking your vaccine. Boarding is available daily from 7am to 4pm except Sundays.

“This is a new tool for promoting fairness in Maine’s vaccination plans,” said Lambrew.

Shah also said the warm spring climate and increased immunization of school staff could increase face-to-face learning at school this spring, but changes could be made at the local level according to state guidelines. Highly sexual. Most schools in Maine offer a hybrid format where students go directly to school two days a week and remote for the remaining three days.

Massachusetts announced on Tuesday that all primary schools in the state will return to full-time face-to-face learning on April 9 and will return to middle school by April 28. The high school plan will be announced later.

Maine hasn’t announced plans for more face-to-face learning, but Shah said warmer climates later this spring could help, including facilitating outdoor lunches, facilitating outdoor learning, and improving ventilation. Said there is. The virus is more easily transmitted in poorly ventilated indoor spaces.

“We hope that as we get more widespread vaccinations among our staff and enter a warmer climate, we may be on the path to more face-to-face education,” he said. “The question for us is how can we move on to more face-to-face education?”

Christiholmquist, a fourth-year teacher at Dilligo Elementary School in Dixfield, was vaccinated with COVID-19 by nurse Penny Mishaw at a drive-through clinic in the Medcare Ambulance in Mexico on Friday afternoon. Andrey Khan / Sun Journal Buy this photo

Main health officials reported 17 additional deaths and 133 new cases from COVID-19 on Tuesday.

However, no 17 new deaths have occurred within the last 24 hours. The Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regularly checks death certificates to see if cases of COVID-19 contributed to deaths that were not previously recorded by health agencies.

Of the deaths reported on Tuesday, 16 occurred between January 25 and March 1, and one occurred in November 2020. Twelve of the dead are over 80, three in their 60s, one in their 50s, and the other in their 70s.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, there have been 46,059 confirmed or estimated cases of COVID-19 in Maine, killing 723 people. With 133 new cases, the number of cases per day has fallen below the recent level for the second consecutive day. 7-day daily average of the number of cases In the 160s. The number of cases dropped sharply from the peak of more than 600 per day in mid-January, but has leveled off since mid-February.

The number of people hospitalized for COVID-19 increased slightly to 75 on Tuesday. This includes 21 for critical care and 7 for ventilator. As in the case, hospitalizations have leveled off in recent weeks after steadily declining from a peak of over 200 in mid-January.

Shah also discussed the new US CDC guidelines on Tuesday. This guideline allows a fully vaccinated person to meet with another fully vaccinated person or with a single unvaccinated but low-risk household.

“Now, as a nation, and as a nation, we are in a strange and uneven time between’no longer’and’still’,” Shah said. People who are “no longer” fully vaccinated should avoid gathering with fully vaccinated friends. People who are “no longer” fully vaccinated should avoid seeing their unvaccinated grandchildren. However, there is still an element of “yet”. People who are “still” completely vaccinated should either abandon their masks altogether, gather in large groups, or go to rave. “

By Tuesday, 274,646 people had received at least the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, which represents 20.43 percent of Maine’s population. In addition, 156,174 people, or 11.62% of the state’s 1.3 million population, received the final dose of the vaccine. About 74% of residents over the age of 70 have been shot at least once.

With increasing vaccinations and flat cases, Maine plans to relax COVID-19 restrictions for the summer tourist season. Governor Janet Mills announced last week Residents of New England no longer have to quarantine or give negative test results when they arrive in Maine. Previously, the only exempt states were Vermont and New Hampshire.

Beginning May 1, travel restrictions will be lifted in all states unless Maine places restrictions on the target states based on increased cases and other indicators going in the wrong direction.

Other relaxed restrictions include allowing more people in indoor and outdoor gatherings, although spacing and masking requirements remain. Indoor gatherings will be allowed to operate at 50% capacity from March 26th and 75% capacity on May 24th. Outdoor gatherings will increase from 75% of capacity on March 26th to 100% on May 2nd.

The bar and tasting room are allowed to open on March 26th and must follow the same guidelines as the restaurant.

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