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Hamilton reports 98 new COVID-19 cases, more than 80 can be vaccinated from Monday-Hamilton


Hamilton COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Vaccination will begin on Monday as the Phase 1 plan continues, according to the director of the city’s Emergency Operations Center.

According to Paul Johnson, more than 80 residents can be shot at one of seven locations a week away at either the St. Joe’s and Hamilton Health Sciences fixed site or five pop-up mobile clinics. I can do it.

“Obviously, it’s good to open it up to a larger population,” Johnson told Global News.

“We expect it to drop to the 75 range in mid-April, but some communities always have the flexibility to speed it up a bit.”

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Ontario reports 1,185 new cases of coronavirus and 6 more deaths

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The move will take place on March 15th with the launch of the Ontario Online Vaccine Reservation Tool.

Nearly 48,000 people have been vaccinated as of Monday, with more than 31,000 vaccinated at Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) fixed sites, about 3,500 at St. Joe’s sites, and nearly 13,000 at mobile clinics. I will.

Over 944,000 people received shots throughout Ontario. According to the Ministry of Health, nearly 276,000 people are fully vaccinated.

Hamilton’s first high-dose injection site at the First Ontario Center could open in the next two weeks, just before the April state’s Phase 2 deployment, with 113 large clinics in 26 of 34 public health units. there is. Moon.

According to Johnson, the Rosedale Arena site will continue in early April.

“It’s about training our staff so they can get everything in the field, which provides a seamless process when people start writing books,” says Johnson.

Currently, the city’s largest location is St. Joseph Healthcare Hamilton’s fifth west clinic, which is vaccinated hundreds of times a day and is expected to reach 2,000 times a day in the near future. It has been.

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Queens Park expects to implement 80% of all state vaccinations through the Mask Clinic between Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the plan.

Niagara, Hamilton and Halton will receive nearly one million additional vaccines in the next phase to target known hotspots with high mortality.

Johnson said urban worker mobilization and relocation will increase in the coming weeks to prepare for the high-volume vaccinations scheduled for next month.

“We are working with our healthcare partners to find ways to deploy these staff while dealing with outbreaks, and we are also working on contact tracing and case management,” Johnson said. I will.

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Coronavirus — Ontario COVID-19 Vaccination Portal, Service Desk Opens March 15

Hamilton reported 98 new COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Tuesday’s incident and two more deaths.

According to public health, the deceased were a person over the age of 80 and another in their 70s. One death was associated with an outbreak in the western part of Unit 5 at Hamilton General Hospital, with a surge that began on February 26, resulting in two deaths.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the city has had 289 virus-related deaths, with more than 200 of the deaths over the age of 80.

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There were no new outbreaks reported on Tuesday. The latest was reported Monday night at St. Joe’s Healthcare West Campus 5, with four staff members.

An outbreak was declared Monday at the St. Matthew Children Center in Burton Street East. The surge lasted 14 days, with four incidents between two patrons and two staff.

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Hamilton reports more than 300 cases in 29 outbreaks, including eight senior housing, six shelters, six schools and two hospitals.

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Guidelines for vaccinated Canadians “evolve only when safe,” says Tam.

There was nothing new Coronavirus Atypical case reported on Tuesday. As of March 8, there were 125 cases in the city, and only 4 were identified from the B.1.1.7 variant that first appeared in the UK.

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No cases have been identified for any of the other subtypes of coronavirus.

Active cases are increasing daily from 33 to 409 as of March 8.

According to public health, 44% (216) of the 491 new cases in the city over the last 10 days are from people under the age of 29.

The number of new weekly cases in the city per 100,000 population is 61 as of March 9.

Halton reports 70 new COVID-19 cases and 14 new mutant cases

The Halton region reported 70 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, with active cases increasing daily from 31 to 305 as of 9 March.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, a total of 9,850 cases have occurred in the region.

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Halton has 16 active outbreaks, including 68 from two long-term care facilities and 86 from two elderly housings.

In public health, as of March 8, the number of variant cases increased by 14 days a day to 152, with 21 confirmed.

No new deaths have been reported in the area on Tuesday. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Halton has caused 198 virus-related deaths.

Halton’s 7-day rolling case average is 43.9 as of Tuesday.

So far, as of Thursday, public health has been receiving 33,255 COVID-19 vaccines. As of March 4, the mobile team has given nearly 10,000 doses and the fixed clinic has given more than 23,000 doses.

Niagara reports 27 new COVID-19 cases, new outbreaks in Grimsby’s retirement home

Niagara Public Health reported 20 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, adding a new outbreak in Grimsby’s elderly home.

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The new surge is at the Maple Crest Village home on Main Street East.

Public health states that three retirement homes and long-term care facilities are addressing four, 22 active outbreaks.

On Tuesday, the region added 12 new variants, a total of 76 cases were identified in the region, and four were identified as B.1.1.7 variants.

No cases have been identified for any of the other subtypes of coronavirus.

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Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been 215 activities, 8,791 cases and 369 deaths in the area on Monday for five consecutive days.

As of March 8, public health has been receiving nearly 12,000 COVID-19 vaccines in Niagara.

Haldimand Norfolk reports four new COVID-19 cases

Haldimand Norfolk reported four new cases of coronavirus on Tuesday, with active cases increasing to 40 for the second consecutive day as of 9 March.

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Both counties account for a total of 1,468 COVID-19 cases in a pandemic and 39 deaths.

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The Health Unit is addressing a single outbreak in a medical facility at Simcoe’s Cedar Crossing Retirement Home, which includes a case of one staff member.

There are also two farms in the county. Frogmore’s EZ Grow Farms and Delhi’s Ryder Farms Inc. is.

As of March 9, nearly 9,600 COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in both counties, with approximately 1,600 people completing a series of injections.

Brant County reports 9 new COVID-19 cases

The Brant County Health Unit reported nine new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, with active cases increasing by one day. There are 42 active cases in the region as of March 8.

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“Many sufferings” — frontline healthcare professionals describe the moment before death from COVID-19

Public health manages six outbreaks in the community at nursing homes, LTCH, three schools, and two workplaces.

The largest outbreak in St. Peter’s Elementary is a total of eight cases among students.

Since the pandemic last March, there have been 1,537 coronavirus outbreaks and 12 virus-related deaths in the county.

The region added two more variant cases on Tuesday. Currently, there are 7 atypical cases in the county, with no strains classified.

According to public health, more than 11,000 COVID-19 vaccines have been given in Brandt County, and as of March 8, more than 2,500 people have been vaccinated.

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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