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Recent studies indicate that testicles may increase vulnerabilities to COVID-19 infection in men


Key Point

  • New study suggests that coronavirus is sanctuary in male testicles
  • Researchers say male testicles are isolated from the immune system
  • Report that coronavirus is more likely to affect men more seriously than women

Researchers in the new study suggest that male testicles may play a role in why male victims die from COVID-19 at twice the rate of female victims. If the study proves to be true and is corroborated by other studies, it can have a dramatic impact on the fight against ongoing infections, but in fact it is in contrast to past studies. . New studies have not been peer reviewed and published prior to publication on the medical website MedRxiv.

Coronavirus may be hidden in the testicles, according to new research Coronavirus may be hidden in the testicles, according to new research Photo: nina108-Pixabay

Safe sanctuary

New research suggests that the testes may provide a safe sanctuary for coronaviruses to the body’s immune system, allowing infections to last longer in men. The study was conducted by New York-based oncologist Dr. Aditi Chastri and her mother, microbiologist Dr. Jayanti Chastri.

Upon entering the body, coronaviruses attach to cells that express the protein ACE2 or angiotensin converting enzyme 2, according to mother-daughter researchers. These cells are usually found in the heart, intestine, and lungs. Also, the testicles of men have large amounts, but the ovarian tissue of women has very little.

the study

The researchers observed that 48 men and 20 women living in Mumbai, India, tested positive for COVID-19. According to the researchers, COVID-19-positive women who took part in the study took four days to clear the infection, while men took 50% longer.

We also found that men in the three families participating in the study had a longer recovery from coronavirus infections than women. Participants’ age ranged from 3 to 75 years. According to researchers, the average age is 37 years.

Contrasting opinion

While current data may indicate that COVID-19 is more likely to affect men than women more seriously, testimony sanctuary Ian Jones says that coronavirus does “Uncommon.” Dr. Jones, a professor of virology at Reading University, said he would reach the testicles. The virus needs to travel in the bloodstream. “The main site of viral replication is the respiratory tract, and the virus must travel through the bloodstream to reach other sites,” Dr. Jones said. He also said that in immunological outcomes, men historically have been sick compared to women.

Dr. Jones believes this is because the man has only one X chromosome, possibly causing the imbalance behind the differences. However, he added that such a hypothesis has not been peer reviewed. Another contradictory opinion was provided by Dr. Jonathan Ball, a professor of molecular virology at Nottingham University. In another study, he found no evidence of coronavirus in semen of COVID-19 victims. This only shows that the organs are not “important reservoirs” for the coronavirus, he said.

Different results

Another, pre-printed, but not peer-reviewed study, asked a small number of COVID-19-positive men to check for the presence of coronavirus in their semen. This was done while they were still recovering from the infection. Another sample was taken from the testes of another patient who had already died.

Dr. Ball said that none of the samples showed the presence of the virus, suggesting that the male reproductive organs are not a significant reservoir of the virus. Dr. Derek Hill, a professor of medical imaging at University College London, agreed and said more data is needed before a firm conclusion can be drawn from this study.


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