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Where can I get the rest of the COVID vaccine? Sign up for Dr.B


People want to be vaccinated and clinics want to keep the COVID vaccine expiring date out of the trash.

Houston — Hunting Coronavirus vaccine Many have begun to look for the remaining doses that would otherwise be discarded.

Why is the dose discarded?

Remaining vaccine It happens when the provider has to thaw the doses and use them within the set time. They sometimes get used to it, because the people who plan to take them didn’t show up simply because of their promise.

In such a scenario, the lucky people who happen to be at hand try not to waste the coronavirus vaccine.

Here’s a quick look at some of the ways people are trying to track the dose of these additional COVID vaccines, even if they aren’t eligible under the state’s current distribution guidelines (Like Texas 1A / 1B).

The “Dr.B” website warns you if there are additional doses at a nearby clinic

Recently featured startups In the New York Times And USA Today is using technology to connect people to these extra doses.Website called Dr. B matches the vaccine provider On the waiting list of people who want them. As of Tuesday night, nearly a million people had signed up for alerts from the service.

You do not need to belong to any particular profession, age, qualification group, etc. to sign up. You need a mobile phone and basic internet. Tell the service your name, email, phone number, zip code — and they will warn you if the dose is getting worse near you.

(Signing up also asks if you have a health problem or if you work in a vulnerable occupation. Consider before giving the vaccine.) If you receive an alert, respond to a message to confirm. It takes 15 minutes to do. You can go to the vaccination site.

The site claims to take privacy and security seriously. “Our team has decades of experience building HIPAA-compliant medical systems that process sensitive information, and all patient data is encrypted in transit and at rest.”

Dr. B says he will soon partner with 200 vaccination sites in 30 states. Its creator says he named the site after his father, and he currently has no plans to try to make money from it. In fact, he first sought to spread the word of service to vulnerable communities with a higher need for vaccines. He also created a way to help people who don’t have a phone or internet sign up for alerts.

Vaccine Hunter Facebook Group

This phenomenon of limited vaccines has led to creation “Vaccine Hunter” These are people with social media trading information about when and where the remaining doses will be distributed. Vaccine Hunter’s Facebook group has tens of thousands of members — all sharing tips.

Some appear at the end of the day

This method is not recommended, but some say that they were able to get vaccinated just by going (or calling) where they were in control because they needed to limit the amount of people they could gather during a pandemic. Sometimes, at the end of the day, people who have the vaccine call or just grab someone around them to get the vaccine on someone’s arm before they get worse. Please note that most, if not all, vaccination sites across the country are now reserved. Houston NRG Park Or a small place like a CVS clinic.

See also: Some people are jumping the eligible line to get the vaccine

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