Pollen can increase the risk of Covid-19 even in non-allergic patients, but don’t worry.
- A new study investigated the relationship between daily pollen levels and SARS-CoV-2 infection rates.
- Pollen data was collected from 31 countries in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
- The results show that high pollen counts can increase the risk of Covid-19, but you need to make an outlook.
Exposure to pollen can increase the risk of developing Covid-19 and is not just a problem for people with allergies.New research Was announced in PNAS Revealed.
The survey results are based on data from 130 sites in 31 countries (including South Africa) and 5 continents. In the article conversationCo-author, plant physiologist Professor Luis Jiska, said that he and his co-authors show how pollen reacts to respiratory viruses such as the common cold virus and rhinovirus, regardless of individual allergies. The state described earlier that it can be suppressed.
Based on these test results, the team could do the same for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19 disease, which has already infected more than 118 million people worldwide. I hypothesized that there is.
The team wanted to see in a global study how the number of new Covid-19 infections would change as pollen levels rise and fall in these 31 countries. They found that, on average, about 44% of fluctuations in Covid case rates were associated with pollen exposure and often had a synergistic effect on humidity and temperature.
“This exposure to pollen is not just a problem for people with hay fever. It is generally a reaction to pollen,” Jiska warned in his article.
Professor Jonny Peter, Head of Allergy and Clinical Immunology at the University of Cape Town Groote Schuur Hospital, talks to Health24 about the importance of engaging in South African research, avoiding misunderstandings, and looking at these findings. Did. ..
Factors to consider
South Africa has seven pollen data monitoring sites nationwide, but the survey used data from only three sites (Cape Town, Kimberley, and Durban). This is because the survey period was from January to April 2020, but due to the blockade, some sites did not have complete pollen data available towards the end of this period, he said. Peter explained.
An important factor to consider when looking at data for countries in the Southern Hemisphere is that the pollen (spring-summer) season has not begun. This means that at the time of data collection, there is actually less pollen. The seasons of these countries.
European countries, on the other hand, were experiencing pollen seasons when the data were collected. “Especially in that context, it indicates that there was some delay between pollen growth and infection rates, and perhaps a small percentage of infection rate fluctuations (15-20%) were pollen levels. May be due to the high, “says Peter.
“But what’s interesting is that a lot of pollen in the nasal cells seems to correlate with the fact that it can affect part of the immune response.” In other words, it’s a viral infection. He added that it can interfere with your immune system’s ability to fight.
Further prospects for SA
Another important aspect to keep in mind is that researchers’ results are based on very high levels of pollen – over 100g per cubic meter of air.
“And that danger zone occurs throughout South Africa during the peak of the grass season, and perhaps the peak of the tree season, only about six weeks a year. In Cape Town, this could be August. It may take a little from late September to October. “
Number of pollen last week He pointed out that Kimberley and Bloemfontein showed high pollen levels, but were still below the thresholds shown in this paper.
Pollen is not the only factor
High pollen levels may be a factor that can affect the number of Covid-19 infections, but Peter emphasized that it is not the only factor.
The author of the study wrote: “Our results show that co-exposure to SARS-CoV-2 (via other infected human carriers) and aerial pollen may promote viral infection under” favorable “weather conditions. I have made it clear. It makes sense to inform the general public about this risk, but wording should be considered very well to avoid misunderstandings and cause panic. ”
Peter added: “The take-out message, which is a common take-out message in the heavy spring season, is that people are more vulnerable to respiratory virus infections when pollen levels are very high, and this is also seen in other viruses. And this paper actually shows that the same is probably true for Covid.
“But that doesn’t mean Covid won’t spread at other times … This study shows a small but measurable link here, and what we’re talking about happens at the height of the pollen season. I am. “
The authors also found that there was no risk of Covid-19 infection without direct contact with pollen.
Critical level of monitoring
The authors further advised: “On the other hand, the widespread dissemination of the potentially disastrous effects of simultaneous exposure to viruses and pollen should be communicated urgently and clearly. Airborne pollen exposure is unavoidable, so the following to high-risk groups: You need to be informed that you should wear a particle filter mask during the pollen season, especially in the spring. “
Therefore, the results show the importance of paying attention to monitoring pollen levels in different parts of the country. Therefore, if pollen levels are very high, you can send alerts to different cities to indicate that you are at high risk for all respiratory virus infections. Peter said.
Precautions to take
“Studies have shown that wearing a face mask can reduce pollen-related allergies for allergic patients, so wearing a mask can prevent a lot of pollen from being sucked into the nose. There is no doubt that we can do it, “said Peter. Also, wearing a face mask applies to everyone, as the results of the new study have nothing to do with whether or not they are allergic.
There are also the following important general measures that apply during the pollen season:
- Exercise outdoors at the lowest pollen levels: before dawn, late in the afternoon, and in the evening.
- Pay attention to the time you leave the laundry on the line. Pollen settles on clothing during drying.
- Plan indoor activities when pollen levels are high.
- Stay indoors on windy days. If you go outside, wipe your clothes thoroughly before entering the house.
- Keep the windows closed on days when there is a lot of pollen.
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