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Health leaders say the honor system is a factor in the new eligible vaccine group

Health leaders say the honor system is a factor in the new eligible vaccine group


A new group of eligible Wisconsin residents will take effect on March 29th. This includes people with underlying health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, kidney failure and asthma. Continuing coverage: Coronavirus, Wisconsin “The overall theme is to get as many people as possible vaccinated,” said Dr. Ben Weston of Milwaukee County. “We want to do it in a fair way. We certainly want to do it in a way that takes health risks into account, but we want people to be vaccinated.” The new group said. , Means at least 2 million additional residents. Unlike Group 1B, where teachers are prioritized and need to show evidence of work, Group 1C does not prioritize certain underlying conditions over other conditions. Wisconsin DHS officials also said they did not require proof of condition. It raises the question of how vaccinated people can prove that someone is otherwise invisible. “The same is true for vaccinated people in other regions,” said Darren Lausch of the Greenfield Department of Health. I expect and want to ask for a vaccine. ” He said Greenfield vaccinations would ask some screening questions about the underlying condition, but apart from that, it results in an honor system. Let people at higher risk go first, “he said. “Many local health departments and vaccinated people in other areas may have created and maintained some list so that people can be categorized as coming in. In the next appropriate eligible group: When asked why one condition could not be prioritized over another, Dr. Weston said the main goal was to vaccinate as many people as possible. So, at some level, you need to trust people, “he said. “We need to trust that they are telling us about their health, but certainly the future goal is to vaccinate people as soon as possible and in the fairest way possible. . “Some residents want people to wait their turn and tell the truth. “I think most people will, but there will always be people who fool the system, but most people will be honest,” James Maiat told 12 News.LocalKristen. Simmons agrees. “If you have asthma and you say you have asthma, I think so,” she said. Others, such as Jeff Owens, fall into a new eligible category. “We all know that the vaccine is ready, so I think people will make the best decisions and pay attention to others,” he said. Owens still believes that there must be a way to prioritize people who are in poorer condition than they are. Sign up for a coronavirus email alert from WISN. Get the latest news alerts with the WISN12 app. Follow: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

A new group of eligible Wisconsin residents will take effect on March 29th. It contains People with underlying health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, renal failure, and asthma.

Continued coverage: Wisconsin coronavirus

“The overall theme is to get as many people as possible vaccinated,” said Dr. Ben Weston of Milwaukee County. “We want to do it in a fair way. We certainly want to do it in a way that takes health risks into account, but we want people to be vaccinated.”

The new group means at least 2 million additional residents.

Unlike Group 1B, where teachers were prioritized and needed to show evidence of work, Group 1C does not prioritize certain underlying conditions over other conditions. Wisconsin DHS officials also said they did not require conditional proof.

It raises the question, how can a vaccinated person prove that someone is otherwise invisible?

“This is a very good question. It’s certainly a difficult question here at the Department of Health, as are vaccinated people in other regions,” admits Darren Lausch of the Greenfield Department of Health. Do due diligence and if any of these conditions occur, look for a vaccine honestly and honestly. ”

He said Greenfield vaccinated people would ask some screening questions about the underlying condition, but apart from that, it results in an honor system.

“If you’re not qualified, wait. Let people at higher risk go first,” he said. To the next appropriate eligible group. ”

When asked why one condition could not be prioritized over another, Dr. Weston said the main goal was to vaccinate as many people as possible.

“At some level we need to trust people because there are so many barriers you can put up before people get vaccinated hard,” he said. .. But certainly, the future goal is to vaccinate people as soon as possible and in the fairest way possible. ”

Some residents want people to wait their turn and tell the truth.

“I think most people will, but there will always be people who fool the system, but I think most people are honest,” James Maiat told 12 News.

Local Kristen Simmons agrees.

“If you have asthma and say you have asthma, I believe you do,” she said.

Others, such as Jeff Owens, fall into a new and eligible category.

“We all know that the vaccine is ready, so I think people will make the best decisions and pay attention to others,” he said. Owens still believes that there must be a way to prioritize people who are in poorer condition than they are.

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