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Native community feels devastating impact of COVID-19 case


US imperialism, deliberate neglect of indigenous communities shares responsibility in the volume of COVID-19 cases

On March 11, Navajo President Jonathan Nez and Vice President Myron Riser Public health emergency. There was no definitive COVID-19 at the time, but the Declaration was to protect and support the well-being of the community.

Since then, the coronavirus has devastated tribal nations. 1,197 Confirmed cases and 44 death From complications of new coronavirus. Navajo Nation-about 175,000 members-lost More than 13 states have the virus. Measures to ensure the safety of the population and to inform them about the transmission of the disease will continue with regular public service announcements and checkpoints. Navajo police have committed 115 criminal harassments since the order, Navajo Times Report.

Coronavirus has closed 460 casinos across the U.S., but the largest segment of the U.S. gaming industry, the tribal casinos with more than 700,000 employees, will be hit hardest. . Reuters. For many tribes, casinos have served as a major source of income and productivity. Native households vie for money, resources, and support as they are closed.

But it doesn’t start here. American imperialism has created and / or perpetuates the health disparities, economic challenges, climate disasters, and losses that native communities have experienced over the last hundreds of years.

In 1996, the largest class action lawsuit in history, led by Blackfeet organizer Elouise Cobell and 300,000 supporters, alleged that the US government mismanaged the land and funds of indigenous peoples. Findings endorsed them, indigenous people were awarded $ 3.4 billion, which was to be redistributed to indigenous communities across the country Colorado Public Radio.

Indigenous peoples are now pursuing their legacy by appealing to the federal government. The Trump administration’s plans to give commercial Alaska native companies access to the $ 8 billion promised to tribal governments have caused a turmoil. The complaint alleges that “the secretary designation and treatment of these private enterprises as a tribal government reduces the resources available for distribution and distribution.” Politico Report.

by International Labor Organization (ILO), “Indigenous people are almost three times more likely to live in extreme poverty.” To address the situation of supporting indigenous people who earn about 18% less than their wider workforce. Lack of government support, policies and resources contributes to health disparities and unfair treatment.

In the face of limited socioeconomic opportunities, US imperialist trauma, and a lack of funding for the tribal health system, some native community members rely on the use of drugs and alcohol as a mechanism to cope. . This, coupled with the reality that most indigenous communities are experiencing water crises, is affecting more than 40% of Navajo Nation homes. No running water, COVID-19 stats should rise.

While the number of infections continues to increase, members of the native community Funds To provide necessary supplies to the elderly and individuals most vulnerable to coronavirus. Indian country today report It is very important to make sure that elders are protected from this virus, and people need to be at home to do so, but poverty is a major factor in supporting those at home. It’s a barrier.

Federal funding, rapid testing and intervention Spread of COVID-19 In the native community.

In a letter from the organizer when he asked for support 24 years ago, he wrote: Mandatory by law to protect. This lamentable and shameful government abuse of Indians must be stopped. The longer you allow it to continue, the more expensive it is to fix your system and the greater your government’s responsibility. And the price goes up every day. “

ESSENCE is committed to providing viewers with the latest information on COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Our content team carefully reviews the development details surrounding the virus through official sources and healthcare professionals such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA). I’m watching. Please keep updating ESSENCE’s Information Hub on COVID-19 UpdatesThe same goes for tips on caring for yourself, your family, and your community.


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