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Frustration grows as more people try to schedule the COVID-19 vaccine

Frustration grows as more people try to schedule the COVID-19 vaccine


The technical shortcomings of the country’s entire fragmented public health system have frustrated millions of Americans trying to leave the authorities after being shot without knowing the big picture of the vaccinated. ..

“We are creating an unnecessary amount of human suffering,” said Tin Rondai, a professor of healthcare operations at Johns Hopkins University’s Carry Business School.

The White House promised to improve and establish a new website and 800 numbers By May 1st To help people find a nearby place with a vaccine.

“You no longer have to look for promises for you and your loved ones day and night,” President Joe Biden said in a Golden Time speech Thursday.

The administration has also promised to send technical teams to states that need help improving their website.

Vaccine demand bottlenecks appear to have eased in some regions, with doses exceeding 100 million doses in the United States on Friday. Almost 66 million people take at least one dose. However, getting vaccine slots is still very difficult, so people rely on bots to scan Facebook groups and sites of vaccine hunters for open appointments. Those seeking vaccines who are unfamiliar with these methods and have no one to help suffer serious disadvantages.

Bassen finally landed the slot at a pharmacy near his home for her husband. The website even suggested scheduling a second dose, but nothing happened when she clicked on it.

Thinking it was a glitch, they printed a booking confirmation email. He was rejected when he arrived. They told him that he had to schedule a second shot at the same time as the first shot.

Rejected, Bassen returned to the rabbit hole in state, municipal, and pharmacy websites and phone numbers. She likened it to a musical chairs game.

“From the patient’s and consumer’s point of view, there seemed to be no continuity between these three entities,” Bassen said.

The confusion is not surprising. According to a survey by The Associated Press and Kaiser Health News, spending on the state’s public health sector has fallen by 16% per capita and spending on the rural health sector has fallen by 18% since 2010. There was little money left to invest in technology.

To help the state prepare for the deployment of COVID-19 shots, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has begun building a vaccine management system known as VAMS.

In many states, employees were hesitant to commit because it took time to learn new programs and new systems were often twisted. Few state health departments have adopted the CDC program, and at least one has decided to abolish the CDC program.

In New Hampshire, authorities planned to switch to their own program after thousands of people were unable to schedule a second shot within the recommended time frame. Others canceled the reservation after allowing the system to accidentally reserve an unqualified slot.

Claire Hannan, Secretary-General of the Association of Immunization Administrators, was unlikely to come up with a national program that would work everywhere, especially given the unprecedented scale of tracking COVID-19 vaccination. ..

Prior to the pandemic, regional vaccine registries across the country were primarily used to track childhood vaccines. Some were decades old and were not intended to be used to schedule appointments.

“Many of them are like spaghetti bowls of code and we just keep adding,” said Rebecca Coyle, Secretary-General of the American Immunization Registry Association.

Many vaccine providers, such as small pharmacies, were also not connected to the registry before the pandemic. This includes the necessary maintenance to ensure that your data is constantly uploaded and properly stored and shared.

“There was always this perception that you built it and you were done,” Coil said.

Dr. Deidre Giftord, Deputy Commissioner for Connecticut Health, concluded in a recent CDC forum that many states need a single, accessible “front door” to schedule shots. ..

According to Dai, the best system is to enroll everyone in a central location and give each person a reasonable quote to receive the vaccine based on supply. It may be weeks or months away, but managing expectations will relieve some anxieties.

“The core idea is to give people confidence and reassurance,” Die said.

Because West Virginia does it almost with a one-stop state-wide pre-registration system that uses crisis management software to collect details such as demographics and contact information for everyone, as well as occupations. You can target specific important workers. Crysta D. Capehart, who then coordinates the state’s pharmacy response, will receive a text message or phone call to book a slot when vaccine doses are available in the county.

Other states are struggling to design vaccine websites, or sites that give some help, but they’re putting people doing a lot of work to find available shots.Massachusetts site Overwhelmed and crashed.. The Washington state site allows you to print a piece of paper showing your eligibility, but it’s up to you to find and book your booking.

Maryland has established a pre-registration portal, but people still have to go to other websites to find slots. Dai said he was still struggling after being qualified and pre-registering with the county. The link didn’t work when he was invited to make an appointment.

“By the end of yesterday, I received five links, none of which worked,” he said Thursday. He finally booked himself in Walgreens.

Given the turmoil, many are worried about what happens when eligibility is opened to a wider population. People can simply give up because it is very difficult and time consuming to get a shot.

“The situation will get worse,” Die said.

Disease detectives monitoring the pandemic are also concerned about the lack of consistent data on vaccination.

“Without a good system for tracking the number and type of people vaccinated, limited resources may not actually be as efficient and effective as possible,” said the Executive Director. Janet Hamilton said. Of the State and Territorial Epidemiologist Council.

Racial and ethnic data are available in just over half of those who have been vaccinated so far. This could be because the vaccinated person did not provide the information, or the place where the shot was received did not collect, enter, or enter too late.

Data was often entered, but a glitch in a different software system caused these fields to disappear, said Dr. Marcus Precia of the State and Territory Health Officials Association.

Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, calls the vaccine deployment embarrassing.

“If we fought World War II the way we did this, we would definitely have lost it,” he said.

Hee-seop Choi reported from New York. Washington Associated Press author Carla Johnson contributed to this report.


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