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Latin Americans make up 25% of coronavirus cases in San Francisco


Mayor London Breed said Monday that Latin Americans in San Francisco accounted for 25% of coronavirus-positive cases, but only 15% of the population in San Francisco.

At Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, more than 80% of hospitalized coronavirus patients are Latino. Latin Americans typically make up only about 30% of hospital patient populations.

City officials who accompanied Breed to a press conference said the Latin mission areas could have been hit hard as many inhabitants lived in multi-family or multi-generation housing. In addition, I have a job that requires me to go to work, such as a home care assistant, and my income is limited, so I often shop frequently.

There were over 1,200 positive cases in 800,000 cities, but city officials say the numbers will increase as more tests are conducted and the virus spreads.

“Health emergencies take advantage of social inequalities,” said Dr. Grant Colfax, City Health Director. “People who have less resources, chronic illness, less underlying health and experience institutional prejudice and discrimination are at higher risk of getting sick.”

Colfax said some Latin Americans have refused to participate in contact tracking. The program seeks to stop the spread of the plague by tracking all recent contacts of infected people.

He suggested that fear of immigration authorities might be the cause.

As a result, the city held a Spanish media webinar on its tracking program, distributing flyers and posters in Spanish and not sharing information with immigrant agents.

State-wide figures published earlier this month also showed disparities by race. African Americans accounted for 12% of state coronavirus-related deathsBlacks make up only 6% of California’s population, but their numbers indicate.

Partial data at that time showed that Latin Americans accounted for 30% of state COVID-19 deaths, but represented 39% of the state’s population. Analysts pointed out that the state’s Latino population is generally young, so they are more likely to survive the disease.

Experts say that some minorities may not be able to access good health care and may have underlying health problems, which could make them vulnerable to the epidemic.

San Francisco now Corona virus cases are totaled by zip code.

In addition to the severe Latin mission areas, there were also relatively more infectious diseases in the area with the largest homeless shelter in the city. Nearly 100 residents of the shelter tested positive and moved to the city-leased hotel room.

“This map reveals information that can help us understand where the incident is,” Breed said, “but never know that some of our cities are safer than others. I don’t mean that. “

On an irrelevant matter, San Francisco officials said people who would normally go to Golden Gate Park to attend the 4/20 marijuana celebration were at home on Monday. City officials are calling on marijuana lovers to leave this year.

“We want to celebrate a lot now, but unfortunately it’s a matter of life and death.”

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