Chinese doctors change victims of coronavirus and darken skin: how does it happen?
Both Chinese doctors Coronavirus I’ve actually seen my skin turn black immediately after I’ve revived from the brink of death. Dr. Hu Weifeng and Dr. Yi Fan were previously infected with the virus while treating patients at Wuhan Central Hospital in January.
According to a doctor’s statement to the Chinese national media, their skin apparently changed color due to a hormonal imbalance after their own liver was damaged by the virus itself.
The situation of Dr. Lee Hwan
of China National Broadcasting According to CCTV, these two health workers were taken to Wuhan Lung Hospital, where they were diagnosed on January 18, last year, after being transferred twice last time. Dr. Yi was a cardiologist, beating COVID-19 after the doctor hooked him on a specific life support device called ECMO for exactly 39 days.
ECMo is known as a radical life-supporting procedure that actually replaces heart and lung function by the process of sending oxygen to blood found outside the body. Dr. Yi said the statement he submitted to CCTV from his hospital bed had already largely recovered.
According to Dr. Yi, he could actually move normally in bed, but he also struggled to walk independently. Dr. Yi also admitted that this trial to combat this deadly disease hurt him to some extent.
Yi said he was able to slowly overcome existing psychological hurdles after the doctor comforted him and arranged counseling for him. He is currently taken care of in another ward of the Wuhan China-Japan Friendship Hospital.
Dr, Hu’s more serious condition
According to Dr Li Shusheng, who treated Dr Hu, urologist Dr Dr Hu Weifeng actually went to bed, had a 99-day record, and his overall health is still considered weak. Dr. Lee also said he was very concerned about Dr. Hu’s own mental health, apart from the virus.
According to Dr. Lee, Hu didn’t stop talking to all the doctors who were coming to check him out. Hu actually received ECMO therapy from February 7th to March 22nd and finally regained his ability to speak on April 11th.
He is currently taking care of the intensive care unit in the same hospital as Dr. Yi. Dr. Li also suspected that the skin of both doctors had darkened due to the particular type of drug he had been receiving from the beginning of treatment.
Dr. Lee also pointed out that the side effect of the drug is a darker skin tone, but the specific drug used for treatment has not been identified. Dr. Lee also expected that both doctors’ skin tones would eventually return to normal after improved liver function.
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