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“Incredible discoveries” can hold the key to nature for treating allergies

“Incredible discoveries” can hold the key to nature for treating allergies


Dr. Paula Gonzalez-Figueroa from ANU Lab.

“It’s an incredible discovery,” says Dr. Paula Gonzalez Figueroa, a researcher at ANU’s John Curtin School of Medicine. Photo: Jamie Kidston, ANU.

Findings from two Australian National University (ANU) researchers on stopping allergies such as asthma and hay fever have shown that many Canberans sneeze and cry during one of the worst pollen seasons on record. It will be a relief.

In Canberra, known as Australia’s pollen capital, researchers have found that their findings are for treating allergies and autoimmune diseases, including common food intolerances such as nut allergies that cause life-threatening anaphylaxis. It is an “incredible discovery” that can offer a whole new approach.

The lead authors of the study, Professor Carola Vinuesa and Dr. Paula Gonzalez-Figueroa, say that the key to stopping an allergic condition lies in the natural reaction deep inside the immune system, which is driven by a protein in the body called neuritin.

“We have discovered this absolutely fascinating mechanism of our own body, which stops the production of rogue antibodies that can cause either autoimmunity or allergies,” says Professor Vinuesa. I did.

For people with allergies, when the immune system overreacts to allergens such as pollen, dust, and peanuts, an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE) is produced.

Allergies occur when the body reacts to harmless substances to produce excess IgE, leading to the release of histamine, which causes an allergic reaction. Without excessive IgE levels, you generally do not develop allergies.

“We have found that neuritin prevents the overformation of IgE, which is usually associated with some common forms of allergies and food intolerance,” said Professor Vinuesa.

ANU researchers Paula Gonzalez-Dr. Figueroa and Professor Carola Vinuesa.

ANU researchers Dr. Paula Gonzalez-Figueroa (left) and Professor Carola Vinuesa (right). Photo: Jamie Kidston, ANU.

Their research is based on knowledge-based speculation five years ago, and neuritin may have a regulatory function that blocks allergies and autoimmune diseases. Due to their lack of knowledge, they delved into the reactions that researchers wanted to form the basis of new and more natural therapies.

“Although it has been known for years that neurotin plays a role in the brain and nervous system, we have found abundant neurotin in the immune system and its mechanisms, which is not explained in biology.” Said Professor Vinuesa.

“We have shown that it is one of the unique mechanisms of our immune system to prevent autoimmunity and allergies, and now we can use it for treatment. I have proof. “

Their work was published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal cell, The discovered neuritin can prevent the production of pathogenic antibodies.

“It’s an incredible discovery,” said researcher Dr. Paula Gonzalez Figueroa. “In the absence of neuritin, we have found that anaphylaxis is more susceptible to death, highlighting its role in the prevention of life-threatening allergies.

“There are more than 80 autoimmune diseases. Many of them find antibodies that bind to our own tissues and attack us instead of targeting pathogens such as viruses and bacteria.”

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Many autoimmune diseases are caused or exacerbated by antibodies that destroy our own tissues and cause autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Professor Vinuesa said their findings were at the pinnacle of her career and could lead to a whole new approach to treating allergies and autoimmune diseases.

“If this approach is successful, we don’t have to deplete important immune cells or weaken the entire immune system,” she said. “Instead, you only need to use the proteins your body uses to ensure immune tolerance.

“Both allergies and autoimmune diseases are on the rise, and we hope this gives us new ways to tackle them.”

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