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Vaccine eligibility will be expanded in California from March 15th. The handling method of LA is as follows. : LAist


UCI Health pharmacists receive a single dose of COVID-19 vaccine. (Chaba Sanchez / LAist)

Jackie Fortiér and Carla Javier

Beginning March 15, Californians aged 16-64 years with disabilities and certain high-risk health conditions can enroll in the free COVID-19 vaccine.Also qualified Public transport workers And People who are homeless Federal Immigration Detention Center..

Vaccine eligibility continues to be open to already qualified people, including healthcare professionals, educators, food workers, certain rescue workers, and people over the age of 65.

With so much to track, we’re analyzing what we know so far and how it works in Los Angeles.

How to check if you are eligible

Here in Los Angeles County, the public health sector A continuous list of people to be vaccinated.

What to bring Book your vaccine

You will need to bring a photo ID (not necessarily government issued) and proof that you live or work in the vaccinated county. Among other things, library cards, utility bills, leases or work documents are sufficient. You should also wear a mask at all vaccination sites. These requirements apply to everyone.

Depending on the method of qualification, you may need to bring additional proof of qualification. The details are as follows.

If you qualify for your health

California Public Health Service Specific health condition, “We were considered to be at the highest risk of morbidity and mortality from COVID-19,” and are eligible to qualify for the vaccine on March 15.

The conditions are as follows:

cancer, Current with weakened immunity

Chronic kidney disease, Stage 4 and above

Chronic lung disease, Oxygen dependence

Down’s syndrome

Solid organ transplant, Leading to weakening of the immune system


Sickle cell disease

Heart condition, Heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathy (not hypertension), etc.

Severe obesity (Body mass index ≥ 40 kg / m2)

Type 2 diabetes Hemoglobin A1c level exceeds 7.5%

CDPH also states that it can qualify for the vaccine “as a result of developmental disabilities or other serious high-risk disorders.”

COVID-19 infection can lead to serious, life-threatening illness and death.Or

Obtaining COVID-19 limits your ability to receive ongoing care and services that are essential to your well-being and survival.Or

Providing adequate and timely COVID care is especially difficult as a result of personal disability.

► Do I need to prove my health at the vaccination site?

No. CDPH says it People don’t have to prove their medical eligibility..Instead, California Honor system that some other states have done.. If these conditions apply and you have made an appointment, you will be asked to sign a statement stating that you meet the criteria when you arrive at the vaccination site.

“We are encouraging documentationDr. Paul Simon, Chief Science Officer of LA Public Health, explained on Friday. “And for those who can’t bring the paperwork, we accept the proof.”

The county posted a self-certification form on its website. English language And Spanish..It does not ask you to disclose your particular medical condition, but asks you to declare your condition or disability Qualified. If you can’t print it, the county said it would also accept a handwritten version of the letter.

If you receive services through a regional center (a non-profit organization that supports people with disabilities), you will need to receive a separate letter certifying your eligibility. We recommend that you bring the letter as a backup to the vaccine site.

Regional center Instructed We will provide you with information on how to book, where to vaccinate, and how to answer other questions by contacting our clients online, by phone, or directly.

The county lists other types of medical documents that can be provided Here..

If you qualify, you can also ask your healthcare provider if they are offering shots. You may not need additional qualified paperwork as they already have your medical history.

If qualified for other living environment

CDPH guidance includes people who live or work in a “high risk” “condominium environment” of outbreaks, including locations such as:

  • Detention or detention facility
  • Homeless shelter
  • Behavioral health facility

State guidance also expands eligibility to include all those who are experiencing the homeless.

“The exact approach will be provider-specific,” said Dr. Mark Garry, director of the California Department of Health and Welfare.

“Therefore, whether in detention or prison, each facility has a specific plan on how individuals in those facilities will be vaccinated, whether it is a county, federal partner, or clinical partner. Whether or not it depends on the vaccination partner. I think each one is a little different. ”

LA Public Health allows people who live or work in the following facilities to be vaccinated.

  • Domestic violence shelter
  • Residential facilities with substance use disorder
  • Housing facilities with developmental disabilities

Residents of Nursing homes and long-term care facilities, And residents over the age of 65 are already eligible.

► Do I need to bring proof to the vaccination site?

Sign a letter declaring that you are homeless, live in a shelter, may live in a shelter or other apartment complex, or are currently “living in a high-risk collective environment” is needed. “” In the latter case, you will be asked to enter the facility name and address, so be sure to bring that information with you.

County has English template And In spanish You can use it for your proof.

If the certificate cannot be printed, the county says it will accept a handwritten version as well.

If you are 65 years old or older, you need to bring it with you Some way to prove your age.

If you qualify for your profession

State Added People who work in Public transport As a ground crew member of a commercial airline An increasing list of qualified workers.

“They are at high risk of occupational exposure and it is important to maintain the continuity of their transportation operations,” said the California Public Health Service. I have written..

Healthcare professionals, nursing home and long-term care facility staff, education / nursery teachers, People working in food and agriculture, Emergency personnel, people working in mission or management services, and people working in the above complex (imprisonment or detention facilities, homeless shelters, behavioral medical facilities, etc.) are also eligible for occupational vaccines.

LA Public Health lists certain eligible jobs within these industries and eligibility exceptions. On that website.

► Do I need to prove my profession at the vaccination site?

For LA Public Health Checklist Here you can see the documents accepted by each group of workers.

For example, if you work onsite on public transport, or if you work as part of a commercial airline ground personnel. You can bring A work badge with your photo, your professional driver’s license, or a pay slip with your name on it.

In many cases (but again, Double check your industry), The county document checklist also has a certificate option From your employer Union, or yourself.

If you sign Your own proof letter, You will need to enter your job title, work location name, and address.

Do all qualified people have enough vaccines?

Not immediately.

Putting all this into the context, LA Public Health estimated that more than 5 million residents and workers would be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine as their eligibility grows.

It far exceeds the supply. This week, LA County plans to receive about 260,000 doses, which is about 60,000 less than the vaccine it received last week.

As of Friday, at least 1.8 million residents had been vaccinated once and about 900,000 were fully vaccinated, according to LA Public Health.

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