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Why some countries have suspended the AstraZeneca vaccine and what that means for Australia – Explainer | Health

Why some countries have suspended the AstraZeneca vaccine and what that means for Australia – Explainer | Health


Some European countries, including Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands and Ireland, are temporarily AstraZeneca Vaccines following concerns about deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and blood clotting. Meanwhile, Italy, Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg and Lithuania have stopped inoculating one million batches of specific batches sent to 17 countries.

The AstraZeneca vaccine vaccination program continues in other countries, including the United Kingdom and France. The UK encourages people to continue vaccination.

According to AstraZeneca, 15 cases of deep vein thrombosis and 22 cases of pulmonary embolism have been reported among more than 17 million people vaccinated in the European Union and the United Kingdom.

In Australia, the Prime Minister and Minister of Health said there were no plans to stop the deployment. So do Australians need to worry?

What are Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism?

Blood clots can form in blood vessels, often in the legs, due to poor circulation, which can be a problem in the lower extremities. When these blood clots occur on the lower legs, thighs, pelvis, or arms, the condition is known as deep vein thrombosis.

If one of these blood clots breaks and moves, it can stay in the blood vessels and cut off the blood supply to the organs. When this obstruction occurs, it is called embolism. Pulmonary embolism occurs when a blood clot or embolism blocks one of the arteries from the heart to the lungs, because all “lungs” are related to the lungs.

This can be serious and life-threatening as it affects lung oxygen levels and can cause lung damage. Symptoms include dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath, and coughing.

The best way to avoid blood clotting and these related conditions is to maintain a healthy weight, stay active, rehydrate with water, avoid smoking, and do not sit for long periods of time.

Does the AstraZeneca vaccine cause these problems?

According to a statement issued on Monday by AstraZeneca, the incidence of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in millions of vaccinated people is “expected to occur naturally in the general population of this size. Much lower than that of other licensed Covids. -19 Vaccine. “

Ann Taylor, AstraZeneca’s Chief Medical Officer, said:

She said that from a quality standpoint, there were no identified issues associated with batches of vaccines used throughout Europe or elsewhere in the world. Additional testing is done by the company, but also independently by European health authorities.

As of Monday, none of these retests indicate a source of concern.

What do Australian regulators say?

The Australian Drug Regulator, Therapeutic Goods Agency (TGA), said no association between blood clots and the AstraZeneca vaccine has been identified.

“Until March 11, 2021, TGA has not received any reports of blood clots after using the AstraZeneca vaccine in Australia,” said TGA. “Extensive international experience has not shown an increased risk of blood clots associated with vaccines. Blood clots can occur spontaneously and are not uncommon.”

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the TGA is conducting its own batch tests on vaccines and is also looking at data from abroad. “Safety is our number one priority, and the deployment of such large-scale vaccines requires careful monitoring to detect anomalous events,” said Professor Paul Kelly, Chief Medical Officer of Australia. Said.

“This does not mean that all post-vaccination events are triggered by the vaccine,” he said.

“But we take them seriously and investigate them.”

What do scientists and experts say?

Gerard FitzGerald, a public health expert at Queensland Institute of Technology, said countries that suspended the deployment of the AstraZeneca vaccine acted “with great care.” However, it was important to remember that blood clots were very common and were so before the vaccine was present.

“For example, CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] In the United States, 60-100,000 deaths are reported annually from pulmonary thrombosis, “said Fitzgerald.

“These are again common to older people and people with chronic illnesses who are eligible for early vaccination programs. We also need to keep risk in mind. To date, more than 2.5 million people. Died from Covid-19, killing 8,000 to 10,000 people worldwide every day. More than 320 million people worldwide have already been vaccinated.

“Scientific vaccine clinical trials prior to approval did not confirm an increased risk associated with the vaccine.”

Is safety data transparent?

Okay. The monthly safety report for the AstraZeneca vaccine will be published on the European Medicines Agency website next week. Outstanding transparency measures For Covid-19.

Blood clots are considered “adverse events of particular interest” and are closely monitored by Australian and international regulators. The TGA works closely with international regulators to share information on the safety of the Covid-19 vaccine. If TGA detects a safety concern, it has promised to address it and take immediate action to inform the public.

Consumers and healthcare professionals are encouraged to report Drug and vaccine issues To TGA.

Professor Julie Henrisk, based at the University of Sydney’s Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, is a social scientist with a focus on infectious disease and vaccination controversy and communication.

Leask said that when an adverse event is detected, regulators and vaccine safety experts will investigate whether the event is believed to have been caused by the vaccine.

“This is a normal part of any vaccine program,” she said. “This shows that the system is open, permeable and responsive. The government wants to make sure that it provides people with safe vaccines.”

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