Latest: Half of Italy’s Region Under Strict Blockade | Corporate Finance
Half of the Rome-Italy region is in the strictest form of blockade to curb the latest surge in coronavirus infections that exceed manageable thresholds for COVID-19 hospitalization.
Schools and retail stores from day care centers to college levels were closed on Monday in nine regions and Trent in the autonomous state, and restaurants were opened exclusively for takeaway. The “Red Zone” was imposed above and below the peninsula, from Lombardy in the north to Puglia in the south, across the Lazio region around the capital Rome.
The rest of the country was placed under a less “orange” level blockade, but fortunate Sardinia was capable of controlling a new cluster of viruses tracked in the first identified variant in the United Kingdom. Thanks to that, it remained “white”.
Last fall, the Ministry of Health developed a gradual status of restrictions that classify individual regions weekly, based on infection rates, hospital capacity, and other criteria. Until recently, very few areas were completely blocked, but new clusters of highly contagious viral variants have increased vaccination, but more and more areas have the most stringent “red zone” restrictions. Migrated to.
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What else is happening:
Lisbon, Portugal — Portugal is breaking out of the two-month pandemic blockade, and if everything goes according to plan, the country will gradually reopen in the next seven weeks.
Places that reopened on Monday included elementary schools, nurseries, hairdressers, and bookstores.
While restrictions on the size of the rally remain, further stages will be introduced until May 3 to ease other restrictions. Strict controls are also imposed on Easter holidays.
If the number of new cases per 100,000 people exceeds 120 in 14 days, or if the so-called “R” number, which indicates the number of other people passing COVID-19, exceeds 1, the plan is pending. Will be done. A key indicator in tracking a pandemic epidemic.
Prime Minister Antonio Costa said in a tweet Monday that the process had to be “very cautious, gradual and fragmented.”
Hong Kong — The United States temporarily closed its consulate in Hong Kong after two employees tested positive for COVID-19.
The consulate said employees were not working in offices that interacted with the general public. Due to privacy concerns, no other information will be disclosed.
“In cooperation with the Hong Kong authorities, the US Consulate General and all staff have taken all appropriate steps to curb the spread of COVID-19 responsibly,” the Consulate said in a news release.
According to the consulate, service will be suspended until Wednesday to allow disinfection, cleaning and contact tracing.
Manila, Philippines-President’s spokesman is also a country leader in dealing with pandemics, amid caution against a surge in infections that have forced major cities to impose curfew and blockades. It was positive for the coronavirus.
Presidential spokesman Harry Potter held a regular television press conference on Monday, revealing that he was infected but had no symptoms. He was last with President Rodrigo Duterte on a rural trip four days ago, but said he was negative the night before the trip and did not endanger his 75-year-old leader.
Roque’s infection is noteworthy. Because he has led a high-profile campaign for the general public to do everything to defeat the virus. Just a year after the Philippines imposed the blockade, “COVID-19 caught up with me … I was very shocked and surprised to see a sudden positive,” said Roque, a new government advocate. It was. The pandemic was a disastrous failure.
The Ministry of Health has reported a surge in infectious diseases for over a week, further raising concerns about the delay in launching vaccination campaigns facing supply problems and public resistance. The Philippines reported more than 626,000 confirmed COVID-19 infections, killing 12,837 people, the second highest in Southeast Asia after Indonesia.
Seoul, South Korea — South Korea will begin giving coronavirus vaccine to adults aged 75 and over next month to expand its mass vaccination program aimed at providing initial doses to 12 million people earlier this year I announced that.
Jeong Eun-Ke, director of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, said on Monday that school nurses, prison workers, people with disabilities and homeless shelters would also be included in the group receiving their first shots in April.
She said the country would use the next available dose of Pfizer vaccine to inoculate about 3.64 million people aged 75 and over living in the community.
Separately, the country will use AstraZeneca shots to vaccinate approximately 377,000 people aged 65 and over who live or work in long-term care facilities later this month.
She said that people between the ages of 65 and 74 living in the community would receive their first AstraZeneca shot in May or July.
South Korea reported 382 new cases of coronavirus on Monday, which brought that number to 96,017, including the deaths of 1,675 people.
Beijing-Chinese officials say the country has given citizens nearly 65 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine in a plan to vaccinate up to 80% of the total population of 1.4 billion people.
Vice-chairman Lee Bin of the National Health Commission told reporters at a press conference on Monday that teams have been dispatched nationwide to supervise vaccination and are working with the target groups on a schedule.
China lags behind many other countries, including the United States, in vaccination campaigns, delivering doses abroad that are about ten times the amount distributed domestically. The lack of urgency is due, in part, to the near elimination of locally spread cases.
China plans to vaccinate 900 to 1 billion people with four approved vaccines by the summer of 2022 to prevent the uncontrolled spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19. We are aiming to establish herd immunity.
Bangkok — Thai authorities set up a mobile test unit on Monday near a market outside Bangkok where a large virus cluster was identified.
When mobile unit health officials took a nasal swab, a long line, primarily locals and Bang Khae outdoor market sellers, stretched along the trunk road. The outdoor market has been closed.
Authorities reported 107 market-related incidents, including some in other states other than Bangkok.
Rujira Arin, Head of the Bangkhae District, said it was important to carry out as many tests as possible to manage the situation.
“Vendors in this market come from neighboring states, even from the nearby Bang Khae district, which means that the number of people who have come into contact with previous cases is quite high. The government and the city of Bangkok have this problem. Therefore, the sooner we can reach people at risk from close contact, the better and faster we can resolve this issue, “Rujira said.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Thailand has counted more than 27,000 cases. After the December surge, it imposed partial blockade restrictions and relaxed the rules after the number of cases diminished in recent weeks.
New Delhi — Western cities have begun a week-long blockade and mask rules have been tightened in India to combat the resurgence of the virus.
West Maharashtra recorded nearly 15,000 cases daily last week, accounting for most of India’s active cases. The city of Nagpur launched a curfew on Monday, but many other districts in the state have implemented a curfew to curb the recent surge.
On Monday, the country’s Ministry of Public Health reported 26,291 new cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours. This is the worst day increase since December 24th.
In India, more than 11.3 million cases of coronavirus infection have been reported. This is the third highest number of infections in the world after the United States and Brazil. Incidents have been steadily declining since their peak in late September, but experts say increased rallies and laziness in public health guidance have led to a recent surge.
Meanwhile, the Indian Ministry of Aviation on Sunday said passengers on planes who did not “properly” wear masks could be suspended or placed on the no-fly zone for at least three months.
India began vaccination in January and nearly 30 million people have been vaccinated, but only 5.45 million have been fully vaccinated at both doses.
Mexico City — Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador delved into the US government on Sunday, saying the US is not supporting Mexico with the corona virus vaccine.
Lopez Obrador thanked India and Russia for sending small doses, and China, where companies promised millions of doses.
“I’m confident that they will help, thanks to the U.S. government, so I hope I can say it right away,” said Lopez Obrador. “So far, that hasn’t happened.” It was.
In Mexico, about 195,000 people have died and about 2.2 million have died. The country approved six vaccines and administered about 4.34 million shots.
The White House has rejected requests for US-produced vaccine doses from US allies, including Mexico, Canada, and the European Union. In the United States, vaccines that are used only domestically are produced with a production period of several months.
By mid-May, the United States will provide sufficient approved vaccines for all US adults.
From Washington-President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser says he doesn’t understand why some people reject vaccines that have proven safe and effective against COVID-19.
Dr. Anthony Fauci said: “If you’re using a very safe vaccine that’s 94-95% effective, I don’t know why. I don’t know.”
Fauci commented on NBC’s “Meet the Press” after being asked to address the issue of vaccine repellent. In polls, supporters of African Americans and former President Donald Trump are more skeptical about vaccines, divided by race and politics.
The issue of vaccine hesitation is important because most Americans must be vaccinated to defeat the virus.
According to Fauci, the vaccine saved the United States from smallpox, polio, measles and other illnesses.
“We must separate political persuasion from the common sense of simple public health,” he said.
Copyright 2021 AP communication. all rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.
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