US “still blindly flying” to treat COVID-19 even a year later: Media
Special: Fight against the new coronavirus
Today, far fewer people die of COVID-19 than in January, but more than 1,000 Americans die of the disease each day. Alone at home or in the hospital, I’m out of breath, having a heart attack or running quietly. Monday.
Although the treatment of the most ill patients has improved since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a pandemic a year ago, about 20% of patients with enough illness to be hospitalized are still in intensive care. Have received. Last year, Kevin Tracy, a neurosurgeon and president and CEO of The Feinstein Institutes of Medicine, a research arm at Northwell Health, New York’s largest healthcare provider, said.
And the mortality rate remains high enough to be of concern in the ICU, he said.
Doctors also said that the care they provide is clearly better than it was a year ago, simply because the illness is better understood and the hospital is not desperately flooded with sick patients.
Daniel Griffin, an infectious disease specialist at ProHEALTH Care, who has 300 medical facilities in New York, said:
However, “the last 12 months have been full of trial and error rather than systematic learning, with little coordinated effort, and the opportunity to turn the miserable experiences of millions of people into lessons for others. I missed a lot, “said the doctor.
“A year later, we’re still flying blindly,” Tracy said.
“Patients suffering and hopeful caregivers naturally filled the gap with over-the-counter or out-of-the-box options. Some are useful and dangerous. Limited studies reveal the difference. “The newspaper said.
The federal government is conducting clinical trials in collaboration with a private sector known as the Accelerated COVID-19 Treatment Intervention and Vaccine (ACTIV) Program to prioritize and accelerate the development of promising therapies. ..
These trials were reportedly unable to answer important questions, some doctor researchers said.
Meanwhile, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as a positive sign, more than 100 million COVID-19 vaccines were given as of Friday, and more than 133 million vaccines were distributed nationwide. ..
US President Joe Biden announced last week that the United States would ensure sufficient COVID-19 vaccine doses for all adult Americans by the end of May.
As of noon on Monday, the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University reported 534,946 COVID-19 deaths and nearly 29.5 million confirmed cases in the United States. Both are the worst in the world.
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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