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New diabetes guidelines reduce screening age for some adults to 35 years

New diabetes guidelines reduce screening age for some adults to 35 years


Screening for type 2 diabetes and prediabetes should begin at age 35 in people who are considered overweight, rather than the currently recommended age of 40. This is a draft set of guidelines recommended by the US Preventive Medicine Commission.

Renewals prompted by an increase in the number of overweight or obese Americans can result in millions of people undergoing blood tests as part of regular health examinations. The guidelines are especially aimed at people who are overweight (25-30 body mass index) or obese and have a BMI of 30 or higher. Overweight is a major risk factor for diabetes.

At least 31 million U.S. adults have type 2 diabetes Diabetes mellitusAccording to, the 7th most common cause of death in the country Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.. Diabetes can cause serious health problems such as heart disease, renal failure, stroke, blindness, and amputation of limbs. Prediabetes is higher than normal blood sugar Diabetes threshold However, it may eventually develop into that state.

“We Prediabetes Dr. Chien-Wen Tseng, a task force member and professor of home medicine at the University of Hawaii’s John A. Burns School of Medicine, said: “The main reason for lowering age is to match the screening to the problem area. If diabetes and prediabetes occur at a young age, they should be screened at a young age.”

According to Zhen, it is currently unknown how many people with prediabetes will develop diabetes. “We know we have a high risk of developing diabetes, but we don’t know exactly what it is,” she added. “And I don’t know who is most likely to get diabetes. Screening at an earlier age tells us who should be monitored more often.”

A pooled analysis of task forces from 23 previous studies involving 12,915 participants in prediabetes showed that lifestyle changes reduced the risk of developing diabetes by 22%, with reduced risk of age, gender, race, and It was revealed that it does not depend on ethnicity or BMI.

For most people, lifestyle changes such as a healthier diet and increased activity can control blood sugar levels, Zen said.

Early intervention Improve diabetes managementNot only does it reduce the risk of chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease, said Dr. Emily Gallagher, assistant professor of medicine, endocrine science, diabetes and bone disease at Mount Sinai Medical College.

“Diabetes is a major cause of kidney disease and blindness in the United States, and these are preventable diseases,” she said in an email. “Unfortunately, people are often unaware of diabetes yet. [until] It develops complications such as heart attack and foot ulcers. “

For certain minorities, such as African Americans, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Asian Americans, Hispanics / Latinos, Native Hawaiians / Pacific Islands, and family members, doctors screen at an earlier age. It is also important to do so and consider lowering the BMI. According to Gallagher, a history of diabetes, gestational diabetes or polycystic ovary disease.

Dr. Matthew O’Brien, an associate professor of medicine and preventive medicine at Northwestern University’s Fineberg School of Medicine, said more adults with diabetes and prediabetes are more likely to be identified by this reduction in age restrictions. In addition, the new screening criteria are likely to lead to more diagnoses of prediabetes and diabetes in black and Hispanic individuals, he said in an email.

2016 Northwestern University StudySet in a federal-funded community health center, he said he discovered that 6.3% of white patients under the age of 40 developed diabetes within three years. At the same time, 11.1% of black patients under the age of 40 developed diabetes and 17.6% of Hispanics.

“Previous studies have shown that awareness of prediabetes and diabetes leads to improved lifestyle behaviors that help manage these conditions and prevent related complications,” O’Brien said. I have.

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