Contamination from coal mines and metal factories may be related to cryptorchidism
New studies suggest that environmental pollution from industries such as coal mines and metal factories can affect the increase in the number of boys born with cryptorchidism.
Researchers say their findings are hypothetical and cannot show that these industries are causing a condition called stagnant testis, which requires more targeted research. I will.
However, a study of nearly 90,000 boys is the first to explain at the national level that the incidence of this condition is increasing over time.
We also identified clusters in some cases France Former mining or metalworking areas such as Pas-de-Calais in northern France.
All the boys under the age of 7 underwent surgery to correct their non-descending testicles between 2002 and 2014.
A stagnant testis is the absence of the scrotum of one or both testicles at birth.
This is the most common male genital defect and occurs in 1 to 8 percent of babies.
In most cases, the condition heals spontaneously within the first 6 months of life, but about 1 in 100 boys have stagnant testis, which requires surgery to move the testicles into place.
Patients with undescended testicles may have fertility problems in later years and are at increased risk of testicular cancer.
Other studies have shown that certain chemicals, such as phthalates and pesticides, are associated with this condition.
In the current study, researchers find trends over time and in regions of the French metropolitan area to see if the geographical environment of the region can be an important trigger for defects. Has begun.
They identified 89,382 cases of cryptocardism operated between 2002 and 2014 from public records and found that the incidence of this condition increased by 36% during this time.
Dr. Joelle Le Moal, a medical epidemiologist in the data science department of the French Public Health Service, said: Specific location.
“This is the first time such a finding has been documented at the national level for such birth defects.
“Our results suggest that the geographical environment may contribute to cryptorchidism clustering and interact with socio-economic factors.
“Industrial activity identified in clusters can cause persistent environmental pollution by metals known as PCBs, dioxins, and polychlorinated biphenyls.
“PCBs, pesticides and dioxins are suspected of being involved in cryptocardism and other testicular problems by destroying hormones.”
Researchers used a disease mapping model to explain the risk of cryptorchidism according to zip code and identified 24 clusters scattered throughout France except in the southwest.
The clusters were mainly in the northern and central eastern parts of France, with the main clusters around the former coal mining area of the city of Lens in Pas-de-Calais.
According to a study published in Human Reproduction, the risk of having one non-descending testis was increased by more than half and the risk of having both testes not descending was increased by more than five-fold compared to the national level.
There were 1,244 cases, and researchers estimated that this exceeded the expected number of cases in the region by 453.
Professor Emeritus Ieuan Hughes, Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics, University of Cambridge, said: French The study is a pioneer in the study of male reproductive tract disorders by using a national analysis of the temporal and spatial tendencies of cryptorchidism identified by surgical records. “
He added: “The French study is a clear call for other countries to recreate their work.
“It’s better suited for it to occur than the UK, which involves vast metropolitan areas, industrial heritage, contrasting agricultural areas, ranking of child poverty, and” leveling up “on the political agenda. “
Rod Mitchell, a professor of developmental endocrinology at the University of Edinburgh’s MRC Reproductive Health Center, said:
“Therefore, these findings may also affect the current decline in male reproductive health in general.
“We have a moral obligation to identify and eliminate the factors behind the recent increase in the incidence of male reproductive disorders.”
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