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Studies identify how environmental information is transmitted by non-DNA molecules in sperm

Studies identify how environmental information is transmitted by non-DNA molecules in sperm


It has long been understood that parental DNA is a major determinant of offspring health and illness. But inheritance through DNA is only part of the story. The father’s lifestyle, such as diet, overweight, and stress levels, is associated with the health effects of his offspring. It occurs via the epigenome, a hereditary biochemical mark associated with DNA and the proteins that bind to it. However, it has been unclear how information is transmitted during fertilization, along with the exact mechanism and molecules of sperm involved in this process.

A recently published new study from Magill Developing cells, Has made great strides in this area by identifying how environmental information is transmitted by non-DNA molecules in sperm. It is a discovery that could advance the scientific understanding of the genetics of paternal life experience and open new avenues for studying disease transmission and prevention.

Paradigm shift in understanding heredity

“A major advance in this study is that sperm have identified a non-DNA-based means of remembering the father’s environment (diet) and transmitting that information to the embryo,” said Dr. Sarah Kimmins, senior author of the study. I will. Chair of the Canadian Research Committee in Epigenetics, Reproduction and Development. This treatise is based on a 15-year study by her group. “It’s worth noting that there has been a significant shift from what is known about heritability and disease to what is now based solely on DNA to what is now containing sperm proteins. This study understands certain things. The key to prevention is that the disease may be related to sperm protein. “

“When we first started looking at the results, it was exciting because we couldn’t track how those hereditary environmental signs were transmitted from sperm to the embryo,” the paper said. The first author, PhD candidate Aliane Lismer, adds. “It was particularly rewarding because it was very difficult to work at the molecular level of the embryo just because there were very few cells available for epigenetic analysis. Thanks to epigenetic tools. Results. “

Changes in sperm protein affect offspring

To determine how developmentally affecting information is transmitted to the embryo, researchers feed male mice with a folic acid-deficient diet and track the effects of DNA-related proteins on specific molecular groups. By manipulating the sperm epigenome.

They found that dietary changes to specific molecular groups (methyl groups) associated with histone proteins (important for packing DNA into cells) lead to altered embryonic gene expression and congenital deficiencies in the spine and skull. I found that. Notably, changes in the methyl group of histones in sperm were transmitted during fertilization and remained in the developing embryo.

“Our next step is to determine if these harmful changes induced by sperm protein (histones) can be repaired. There are exciting new studies suggesting that this is the case.” Adds Kimmins. “The hope that this study brings is that there is a potential new path for disease prevention that leads to healthier children and adults by gaining a better understanding of what is inherited as well as DNA.”


Journal reference:

Rhythmer, A. , et al. (2021) Sperm histone H3 lysine 4-trimethylation is transmitted to the embryo and is associated with a diet-induced phenotype of offspring. Developing cells..


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