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London-Eleven new cases of coronavirus in middlesex, 7 of which are wards in a local elderly home: MLHU


Health officials in London and Middlesex on Tuesday reported that an additional 11 responded positively to the novel Coronavirus, Seven of them in a local senior care facility and Huron and Perth officials reported new cases at a Stratford facility.

The total number of confirmed cases in London-Middlesex is 334. The Middlesex-London-Health Unit (MLHU) also reported that 11 had recovered, a total of 149.

The death toll in the area remained unchanged at 22.

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The new case will include 2 caregivers, 1 nursing home resident and 4 nursing home staff, According to MLHU value. Details on other cases were not immediately available.

Local elderly facilities account for approximately 26% of all confirmed cases and 36% of all deaths reported in London and Middlesex.

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Nursing homes have reported eight deaths, and 53 cases involving 35 residents and 18 staff have been reported. Nursing homes have reported 34 cases involving 23 residents and 11 staff.

Facilities account for 10 of 14 outbreaks Declaration in the area So far. Two of the 14 outbreaks in the area have been declared resolved.

The London Health Sciences Center reported Tuesday that it had declared an outbreak of inpatient heart disease at a university hospital on April 11. Outbreaks of the Department of Gerontology at Victoria Hospital continue.

As of Tuesday, LHSC was treating 27 COVID-19 patients, 12 of whom received intensive care.

Another resolved outbreak at Chelsea Park was declared on April 14.

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Coronavirus-London City Calls on Community to Identify Rental Units for Homeless in Pandemic

Active outbreaks include Sisters of St. Joseph (Home), Horizon Place, Mount Hope Center For Term Care (5th floor St. Mary’s), Sprucedale Care Center, Meadow Park Care Center, Earls Court Village, Kensington Village, Seasons Strathrow. And Henry Place.

Occurrence Stay active again The agency confirmed in Grand Wood Park, where at least 14 residents and 2 staff tested positive, and in Saint Joseph Hospice, where 5 patients and 12 staff tested positive.

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At least 127 occurrences It was declared at a nursing home in Ontario as of Monday, with 1,394 inhabitants and 671 staff testing positive. At least 273 inhabitants and one employee died.

Province, Ontario 551 new COVID-19 cases reported On Tuesday there were 38 new deaths.

A total of 11,735 new states were up 4.9% on Monday, the lowest growth rate in weeks.

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Update will be done the next day New regional modeling proposed Although the spread of communities in Ontario is at its peak, the number of nursing home cases is increasing.

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The state total includes 622 deaths and 5,806 resolved cases, which is almost half.

As of Tuesday afternoon, over 37,300 cases have been confirmed nationwide, of which nearly 13,000 have recovered and more than 1,700 have died.

Elgin and Oxford

3 more positive reactions COVID-19 While the two have RecoveredSouthwestern public health officials said Tuesday.

The health unit covers Elgin and Oxford counties as well as the city of St. Thomas.

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With this update, the total number of confirmed cases in the region is 47 and the number of recovered cases is 15.

The death toll remained the same as three.

No new cases or deaths were reported on Monday, and one was reported to have recovered.

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Of the 29 active cases reported by the Health Unit, 17 are in Elgin, 7 are in St. Thomas and 11 are in Oxford. Details for one case were not available.

Number of Reported outbreak Elgin and Oxford medical facilities remained at 1 on Tuesday. The outbreak was declared on March 27 at Beattie Manor, a nursing home for the elderly in Warsville, after the residents had a positive reaction.

As of Tuesday, 1,366 COVID-19 tests have been conducted in Elgin and Oxford counties, more than 95 more than Monday, with 271 test results awaiting.

Huron and Perth

In Huron and Perth, another diagnosed with COVID-19 positivity and one recovered. Huron Perth Public Health report on Tuesday.

This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 38 and the number of cases recovered to 11 in the region. The death toll was flat at four.

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HPPH figures show that the new case is associated with staff at Greenwood Court, a long-term care facility in Stratford, with 13 of 22 cases reported in the city.

According to the Health Unit, 6 residents and 7 staff have tested positive at the facility, with 3 of the 4 COVID-19-related deaths in Huron and Perth being reported. The number of cases that remain active is unclear.

This facility has one of two outbreaks declared in the area since the outbreak. The other is in the Hillside Manor in Sebringville, which was declared last month after a positive response by residents. It was declared on April 14th.

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In other areas, eight cases have been reported in Huron County since the outbreak. Blue water has 2 cases, South Huron has 2 cases, Ashfield Colborne Wannosh, Central Huron, Goderich and Huron East have 1 case each.

Six cases have been identified in Perth County, two of them in Perth East and Perth South, and one in North Perth and West Perth.

Two Cases-Regional The first two confirmed cases, one of which died later — Reported in Saint Marys.

As of Tuesday, Huron and Perth had 1,057 COVID-19 tests, with 78 more than Monday, with 204 tests awaiting.

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Sarnia and Lambton

An additional 3 were diagnosed with COVID-19 positivity in Lambton County and 4 recovered report Tuesday.

The total number of confirmed cases at Lambton is 148 and the number of cases recovered is 54.

The death toll remained unchanged at 14.

Details of the three new cases were not immediately available.

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Lambton Public Health reported 13 new cases on Monday, 11 related to the blockbuster retirement facility in Sarnia, home of the county’s first declared outbreak.

In Landmark Village, 26 residents and 8 staff tested positive and 6 died.

Mr Lambton’s other outbreak was declared last week after a positive response by its staff at Meadowview Villa, a long-term care facility in Petroleum.

A regional breakdown of cases is not available from LPH, but according to the Health Unit, at least 79% of cases were reported in urban areas, with 21% in Sarnia, Brightsgrove, Point Edwards, etc. Has been reported.

Bluewater Health in Sarnia, who was treating 15 COVID-19 patients on Tuesday, infected 11 staff, 4 workplaces and 7 communities. No one was hospitalized as of Monday.

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As of Tuesday, Lambton had 1,133 COVID-19 tests in place, 149 more than reported Monday.

— Uses Canadian Press files

Questions about COVID-19 Below are some things you should know.

Health officials warn against all international travel. Returning travelers are legally required to self-isolate for 14 days from March 26 to prevent the symptoms from spreading the virus to others. Some states and territories have implemented additional recommendations and enforcement measures to ensure a return to the region.

Symptom It is very similar to a cold or flu, with a fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. Some people may develop more serious illnesses. The people most at risk for this include the elderly and those with severe chronic medical conditions such as heart, lung or kidney disease. If you have symptoms Contact public health authorities.

To Prevent the spread of viruses, Professionals recommend frequent hand washing and coughing in the sleeves. It’s also a good idea to minimize contact with other people, stay at home as much as possible, and keep a distance of 2 meters from others when going out.

For complete COVID-19 coverage of Global News, click here.

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