Main CDC reports 203 new COVID-19 cases, no new deaths

The Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 203 new COVID-19 cases on Wednesday with no new deaths. With 203 new cases, the cumulative number of cases since the start of the pandemic in Maine It will be 47,591. The number of COVID-19s that died remains 725. According to the Maine CDC, 194,091 Maine states, or 14.44% of Maine’s population, are fully vaccinated against the virus. 10,717 Cumulative positive rate: 2.65% 14-day positive rate: 1.4% Currently hospitalized: 84 Patients on intensive care: 25 Patients using ventilation system: 8 Main CDC MaineCOVID-19 Vaccine More detailed COVID-19 data from Latest Gov Please get. Janet Mills has accelerated the deployment of vaccines in Maine after President Biden’s announcement in a national speech last week. Maine, educators, and child care workers over the age of 60 will continue to be vaccinated on April 1. Is for Maine states over 50 years old. The main change is May 1st, which will make all adults in Maine vaccinated. Healthcare providers providing vaccines in Maine: Call 1-877-780-7545 or register here. Northern Light Health: Call 207-204-8551 or book here. Call Central Maine Healthcare: 207-520-2917 or register here. St. Mary’s Community Health Center: Please fill out this form. Learn more about. MaineGeneral: Call 1-800-968-8219 or register here. York Hospital: Call 207-752-8685 or register here. Walmart Sam’s Club Walgreens HannafordMaine COVID-19 Vaccine Hotline Maine CDC has launched the COVID-19 Vaccine Hotline. The hotline is intended to assist Maine with problems with the Internet and other access issues. Those in need of assistance can call 1-888-445-4111. MAINE / NATIONALCOVID-19 VACCINE DATACOVID-19 Symptoms According to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, these are symptoms you should be aware of: fever or nausea cough shortness of breath breathing or dyspnea fatigue muscle or body pain headache new taste or smell Loss of Throat Throat Pain Congestion or Nausea Nausea or Vomiting Diarrhea This list does not include all possible symptoms. The CDC will continue to update this list as it learns more about viruses. Do I need to take the COVID-19 test? Where in Maine can I be tested? The CDC recommends that you consider taking the COVID-19 test if you have symptoms of COVID-19: Close contact with persons with confirmed COVID-19 (within 6 feet for a total of 15 minutes or more). You have been asked or referred to a health care provider, local / external icon, or state health department for testing. To find out where to get the COVID-19 test in the main, go to Get Tested COVID-19. COVID Emergency Treatment-19 Symptoms The CDC is telling you to look for coronavirus emergency warning signs. If anyone shows any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately. Dyspnea Persistent pain or chest pressure New confusion Waking up or waking up Difficulty Bluish lips or face This list is not all possible symptoms. Contact your healthcare provider for severe or other symptoms related to you. Call 911 or call your nearest emergency facility in advance: Notify the operator that you have or may have COVID-19 and are seeking care. Deal with pandemic stress and uncertainty. The program offers a hotline that is open 7 days a week from 8 am to 8 pm. Anyone in need of assistance can call the 207-221-8198 hotline. Maine Helps: The Maine Helps website provides a way for Maine to directly assist nonprofits, healthcare, and businesses in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak. FrontLine WarmLine: Maine Department of Health and Human Services telephone line to assist Maine working at the forefront of coronavirus outbreaks. Telephone lines are staffed daily from 8 am to 8 pm by calling 207-221-8196 or 866-367-4440. The service will eventually include a text option, officials said. 211 Maine: The state 211 system can answer common questions about coronaviruses from callers. Maine can also send a text to 898-211 for answers to your questions. NAMI Maine Resources: NAMI Maine offers several programs to help people with mental health concerns due to the COVID-19 crisis.
The Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 203 new COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, with no new deaths.
The 203 new cases bring a cumulative total of 47,591 cases since the start of the pandemic in Maine.
The number of COVID-19 deaths in Maine remains 725.
According to the Maine CDC, 194,091 Maine states, or 14.44% of Maine’s population, are fully vaccinated against the virus.
Main coronavirus Date:
- Death: 725
- Total number: 47,591
- Confirmed case: 36,874
- Possible cases: 10,717
- Cumulative positive rate: 2.65%
- 14-day positive rate: 1.4%
- Currently in hospital: 84
- Patients in the intensive care unit: 25
- Patients on ventilator: 8
Get more detailed COVID-19 data from the main CDC
Main COVID-19 vaccine latest
Governor Janet Mills has accelerated the deployment of vaccines in Maine after President Biden announced in a national speech last week.
Maine 60+, educators and nursery teachers will continue to be vaccinated, and on April 1st Maine 50+
The main change is May 1st, which will make all adults in Maine vaccinated.
Healthcare providers providing vaccines
Retail pharmacies offering vaccines
Main COVID-19 Vaccine Hotline
The main CDC has launched the COVID-19 vaccine hotline. The hotline is intended to assist Maine with problems with the Internet and other access issues. Those in need of assistance can call 1-888-445-4111.
Main / National COVID-19 Vaccine Data
COVID19 Symptoms
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, these are symptoms you should be aware of:
- Fever or chills
- cough
- Shortness of breath or dyspnea
- Malaise
- Muscle and body pain
- headache
- New loss of taste and smell
- sore throat
- Stuffy nose or runny nose.
- Nausea or vomiting
- diarrhea
This list does not include all possible symptoms. The CDC will continue to update this list as it learns more about viruses.
Do I need to be tested for COVID-19? Where in Maine can I take the test?
The CDC recommends that you consider taking the COVID-19 test if:
- I have a symptom of COVID-19.
- Close contact with persons with confirmed COVID-19 (within 6 feet for a total of 15 minutes or more).
- You have been asked or referred to a health care provider, local / external icon, or state health department for testing.
To find out where to get the COVID-19 test in Maine, go to the following website: Get the tested COVID-19..
Emergency medical care for COVID-19 symptoms
The CDC is telling you to look for an emergency warning sign for the coronavirus. If anyone shows any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately.
- Dyspnea
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New mess
- Difficult to get up or difficult to get up
- Bluish lips or face
This list is not all possible symptoms. Contact your healthcare provider for severe or other symptoms related to you. Call 911 or call your nearest emergency facility in advance. Notify the operator that you are seeking care for someone who is or may be infected with COVID-19.
Main COVID-19 resource
- Make me stronger: Founded by Maine Department of Health and Human Services Make me stronger To help Maine deal with pandemic stress and uncertainty. The program offers a hotline that is open 7 days a week from 8 am to 8 pm. Anyone in need of assistance can call the 207-221-8198 hotline.
- Main help: Main helps website It provides a way for Maine to directly assist nonprofits, healthcare and businesses in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak.
- Front line warm line: Maine Department of Health and Human Services telephone line to assist Maine working at the forefront of coronavirus outbreaks. Telephone lines are staffed daily from 8 am to 8 pm by calling 207-221-8196 or 866-367-4440. The service will eventually include a text option, officials said.
- 211 Main: The state’s 211 system can answer common questions about coronaviruses from callers. Maine can also send a text to 898-211 for answers to your questions.
- NAMI main resource: Nami Main Offers several programs to help people with mental health concerns due to the COVID-19 crisis.
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