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An Ontario college student who died of COVID-19 was worried about a party at his place of residence


Toronto-Family and friends in Peterborough, Ontario. A college student who died of COVID-19 says he is enthusiastic about protecting himself from illness and cares about the safety of others.

Zachary Root, 31, participated in Fleming College’s accounting program and lived in Severn Court Student Residence, a privately owned facility with approximately 200 residents.

His death was associated with an outbreak of 59 cases in the institution, all of which were screened positive for the variant of concern.

The university said the outbreak seems to be related to “Illegal” party at the residence Around February 20th.

Route did not attend these parties. He died on March 15th.

Root’s brother, Brandon, said in an email to CTV News Toronto, “I admit that the party attendees weren’t malicious towards my brother.”

“There was a student knocking on the door all night trying to get him in, but he was inside with the door locked.”

Despite his brother wearing a mask, washing his hands and keeping a social distance, Mr. Lut said that the actions of others led to tragedy, and he was concerned about the safety of his home. He added that this was not the first time.

“He was regularly commented on wearing multiple masks in a shared indoor space,” said Root.

“He cares about everyone being happy and safe and wants to make sure he does what he can to protect others and stop the spread of COVID-19. He wanted this event to be me. We hope that our actions will be crucial and that we will strengthen our compliance with public health guidelines. “

Severn Court

“He was a very kind and open-minded person and always wanted to support others before taking care of himself,” said Shanongria, who had been friends with Zachary for four years.

According to Greer, Root loves games and puzzles are smart. She said she missed him and said his death was tragic.

“He sent us a message a few weeks ago. His roommates didn’t seem to care about taking precautions and were dissatisfied with the fact that they were having a party. He hadn’t heard from him for a few days, so he realized he had to go to the hospital, “Glia said.

Reaction in the dormitory

The 31-year-old death now appears to be affecting young adults in their homes, awakening to the greed of the variety.

“It upsets me, probably not because of human life, but because of the lack of respect and dignity, but only the understanding that this is true,” said nursing student Garrett Joy. ..

“All we needed was a couple’s party and some people moving around. There are 60 cases in this one small dorm alone, showing how quickly it actually spreads.”

Garrett Joy

Dr. Ian Brasg diagnosed and treated patients with COVID-19 in Toronto and said that mutants could cause more harm, including death.

He said that youth hospitalization is not limited to those who are prone to other medical conditions.

Brasg, an infectious disease specialist at Hamburg River Hospital, said: “Recently, I have noticed a tendency for young adults without other risk factors to be hospitalized for this infection.

Dr. Ian Brasug

Fleming University says it’s a “disciplinary plan”

Outbreaks can have further consequences. Fleming University said police are investigating the case and the school will launch its own referee next week.

Maureen Adamson, President of Fleming University, said: ..

Root said his brother was treated at Peterborough Hospital before being transferred to a hospital in Toronto.

“We talked on the phone, and he talked about how grateful he was for the kindness and care given by the people at Peterborough Hospital. He talked about everything they did for him. I know that I want you to admit that. “

“Thanks to Peterborough Public Health, Fleming College, and Toronto General Hospital for their support.”

“He was a very kind person. He often did not disturb him to ensure that others were happy and cared for. He was deeply concerned about the safety and health of his family and peers. Often reminded people to stay safe. ”


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