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A woman with COVID-19 gave birth and underwent a double lung transplant

A woman with COVID-19 gave birth and underwent a double lung transplant


March 18, 2021-A woman in the suburbs of Detroit Baby A girl infected with COVID-19 and later had a double Long transplant To survive To the Associated Press..

Jackie Dennis, a 31-year-old special education teacher in New Boston, Michigan, says she’s fine two months after the transplant, and her four-month-old daughter, Mia Rose, is also fine. On Wednesday, Dennis and her Henry Ford Health System medical team shared her story with the press.

“I actually feel pretty normal,” she said. “Things are still a bit difficult, maybe taking too many steps up and down the stairs, but generally speaking, I still do almost everything I want, except picking up Mia. can do.”

Dennis was 36 weeks Pregnant When she went to the Wyandotte hospital on November 20th cough, headache,and Breathing problems.. She tested positive for COVID-19 and was admitted to the hospital.

Five days after hospitalization, she got terrible High blood pressure Signs Pre-eclampsia,according to To DetroitFree press.. Two days later, the doctor Induce labor..After she delivers her Baby, Dennis developed pneumonia And need Ventilator.. After 2 recovery plasma She was given an IV drip and showed no improvement, so she was transferred to Detroit Hospital in December and placed in an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). She was put on the transplant list in January and received a double lung transplant on January 16.

“she is lung This inflammatory response to the virus would have completely destroyed her and would not have been able to live without the transplant, “Medical Doctor Lisa Allenspack, MD, director of the Henryford Lung Transplant Program, told AP.

“Her situation was probably as harsh as the ones we transplant,” she said.

Dennis has made a “record-breaking recovery,” Allence Puck said. Free press.. Within a few weeks he was removed from the ventilator and was discharged in less than a month.She is now at home with Mia and her husband, Ricky, to attend Pulmonary rehabilitation 4 days a week. The doctor expects her to be able to return to work and her daily activities.

“I’m really grateful,” Dennis told the newspaper. “I was able to do FaceTime [Mia] I met her and it was great to actually see her and hold her in my arms. “


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