Is the increase in usage time overactive for preschoolers?
![Is the increase in usage time overactive for preschoolers? Is the increase in usage time overactive for preschoolers?](
New studies have found that the widespread use of preschoolers’ electronic media, such as game consoles, mobile phones and tablets, is associated with an increased risk of emotional and behavioral problems.The study was published in an online journal BMJ Open..
Studies suggest that this behavior is, among other things, associated with hyperactivity, poor attention, poor concentration, and peer relationship problems.
Researchers say that children’s patterns of electronic media use are changing rapidly. Preschoolers’ use of mobile phones and tablets tripled between 2013 and 2017, and a recent survey shows that many 4-year-olds play games, use apps, and watch videos every day. I’m doing it.
Concerns have been raised that the widespread use of electronic media by young children can impede healthy development, affect language and social skills, and encourage addictive behavior.
Therefore, researchers are wondering if widespread use of electronic media among young children can affect their psychological health and well-being by the age of five, and various types of activities. Wanted to find out if could have an impact.
They utilized participants in the Finnish CHILD-SLEEP longitudinal birth cohort study. This study regularly tracks the health and / or psychological well-being of children from prenatal (32 weeks) to 5 years of age. via Parent questionnaire.
The final analysis included 699 children (333 girls; 366 boys) with complete health and questionnaire data available since 18 months. Parents reported how much time their children spent on electronic media, both weekdays and weekends, when they were 18 months and 5 years old.
Parents specify how many hours the child watched the show on a TV or other device, and how many hours (at the age of 5) the child played the game on a computer, game console, mobile phone, tablet, or other device. Was asked. Responses were used to calculate the daily average of program viewing, game play, and total screen time.
An 18-month-old toddler spent an average of 32 minutes a day on electronic media devices. By the age of 5, this increased to 114 minutes per day. By this age, more than two-thirds (67%) watched programs for more than an hour a day, and one in ten (11%) played games for more than an hour a day. This is alarming, as the maximum daily usage of electronic media recommended for preschoolers is 60 minutes.
When the child was 5 years old, a validated questionnaire (FTF and SDQ) was used to assess the prevalence of “psychosocial symptoms.” Emotional and behavioral problems, lack of attention, hyperactivity, difficulty in making and maintaining friends.
Researchers suggest that children spending less time on electronic media will probably spend less time interacting with their families, reading books, and playing. And at an early age, a child’s healthy social and emotional development depends on the dynamic interaction between social learning and environmental factors.
“Our results show that a 5-year-old child spends significantly more time on electronic media than experts recommend. Our results also show that we use higher levels of electronic media. In particular, program viewing has been shown to be associated with issues of psychosocial outcomes. The use of electronic games was only associated with the inactivity of crude models, “the researchers said. .. “Children’s electronic media usage patterns may seem okay given their everyday use, but they are risky in the long run.”
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