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CDC Chief Warns Second COVID-19


(Reuters) -A second wave of coronavirus is expected to hit the US next winter and may arrive much earlier than the first wave, as it may arrive early in the flu season The person in charge of the Centers for Disease Control warned that there was sex.

“The virus attack on our country next winter could be even more difficult than we actually experienced,” said CDC Director Robert Redfield in an interview with The Washington Post. ].

Current outbreaks continue to taper off, as shown by recent declines in hospitalization rates and other indicators, so authorities should be prepared for expected recurrences in the coming months.

“The flu pandemic and the coronavirus epidemic will occur at the same time,” he said, and the combination will put even more strain on the country’s healthcare system than the first outbreak.

The virus caused a highly contagious and potentially fatal respiratory disease called COVID-19, which occurred last year in central China. The first known infection in the United States, a travel-related affair, was diagnosed on January 20, in Washington near Seattle.

Since then, nearly 810,000 people have tested positive in the United States and more than 45,000 have died of the disease.

Redfield and other public health officials have allowed thorough orders at home and widespread business and school closures across the country, allegedly delaying the spread of the infection. However, the restrictions have curtailed US commerce by losing at least 22 million jobs in the last four weeks.

Even as the lockdown gradually eases, Redfield emphasizes the importance of keeping individuals in a social distance from each other.

At the same time, public health officials said that testing systems would need to be significantly enhanced to identify infected people and to find close personal interactions through contact tracking.

Asked about street protests of recent home orders and demanding the state be “liberated” from such restrictions, as President Donald Trump put forward on Twitter-Redfield told Post : “Useless”.

Building a key national contact tracking network to prevent newly diagnosed cases from developing into outbreaks is very labor-intensive and requires an estimated 300,000 personnel. It is a big challenge because it requires a labor force to

Redfield said the CDC is creating a new contact-tracking workforce by discussing with state authorities the potential to hire and train U.S. Census workers, as well as Peace Corps and Americorps volunteers. It was

(Report by Steve Gorman of Los Angeles, edited by Bill Tarrant and Lincoln Feast.)

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