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A 15th century bowl found at a garage sale sells for $ 722,000

A 15th century bowl found at a garage sale sells for $ 722,000


A very rare 15th-century porcelain bowl made in China, somehow offered for sale at a Connecticut garage sale and sold for only $ 35, was auctioned on Wednesday for nearly $ 722,000.

A small white bowl decorated with cobalt blue paintings of flowers and other designs was one of the various Chinese works of art that Sotheby’s sold as part of the Asia Week event. The names of the seller and the buyer were not disclosed.

On March 11, 2021, Sotheby’s in New York City is exhibiting a rare white “floral” bowl from the Yongle Emperor era.Arturo Homes / Getty Images

Sotheby’s estimated the value of the relic to be between $ 300,000 and $ 500,000. Wednesday’s auction included 15 bids, starting at $ 200,000 from someone online and ending at $ 580,000 from another person who bid over the phone. The official purchase price, including various charges, was $ 721,800.

According to Sotheby’s, antique enthusiasts came across Ming dynasty works and thought they could be something special when browsing a garage sale in the New Haven area last year. The buyer later emailed the information and photos to Sotheby’s for rating.

Angela McAteer, senior vice president of Sotheby’s and head of Chinese art, told The Associated Press earlier this month. “The style of the painting, the shape of the bowl and the blue color alone are the hallmarks of early 15th century porcelain.”

Sotheby’s confirmed that it could be seen directly from the 1400s. There are no scientific tests, only the eyes and hands of trained professionals. The bowl is very smooth to the touch, the glaze is silky, and the color and design are characteristic of the times.

On March 11, 2021, Sotheby’s in New York City is exhibiting a rare white “floral” bowl from the Yongle Emperor era.Arturo Homes / Getty Images

The bowl dates back to the early 1400s during the reign of Emperor Yongle, the third ruler of the Ming dynasty, and was made for Yongle Palace. According to Sotheby’s, Eirakugu is known to bring a new style to the porcelain kiln in Jingdezhen, and bowls are a typical product of Eiraku.

The bowl was made in the shape of a lotus bud or a chicken heart. Inside, a medallion is displayed on the bottom, and a four-leaf motif surrounded by flowers is displayed. There are four flowers on the outside: lotus, peony, chrysanthemum, and pomegranate. There are also complex patterns on both the outer and inner tops.

According to McAteer, there are only six other such bowls, most of which are in museums. There is no other in the United States. According to Sotheby’s, there are two at the National Palace Museum in Taipei, Taiwan, two at the Museum in London, and one at the National Museum of Iran in Tehran.

How the bowl ended at the Connecticut garage sale remains a mystery. McAteer said it could have been passed down to generations of the same family who didn’t know how unique it was.


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