Sikh leaders celebrate next holiday at Vaccine Clinic | National
![Sikh leaders celebrate next holiday at Vaccine Clinic | National Sikh leaders celebrate next holiday at Vaccine Clinic | National](,630)
London (AP) — Sikh leader Barwinder Simbasla rolled up his sleeves on Sunday to get the COVID-19 vaccine at Grunanak Grudwara in Luton, north of London. And he wanted everyone to know about it.
Unlike most of the 756,873 people who received injections on Sunday in the UK, Gurdwara’s president, Basra, invited reporters and television news to see his shots to make sure the community was paying attention.
“I tell everyone.” I was vaccinated this morning. Everyone should be vaccinated to save (National Health Service), “Bassla wearing a vibrant saffron turban on this occasion. Said.
While politicians such as Prime Minister Boris Johnson participated in the camera-enabled coronavirus jab, local efforts are far more to prevent some people in ethnic minority communities from hesitating to get vaccinated. Is important to the Prime Minister, said Gurch Randhawa, a professor of public health diversity. University of Bedfordshire Health.
In Luton, the Sikh community has decided that the best way to celebrate Vaisakhi’s next holy festival is to use a vaccination clinic that embodies the principles of equality of faith, justice and service. .. Festivals are usually marked with prayers and large processions, but those celebrations are reduced by COVID-19 restrictions.
Forty people were shot dead on Sunday, and another 40 will be shot dead next week.
“Vaisakhi is a selfless service for Sikhs, better than opening a pop-up clinic to reach out to anyone of any religion,” said Randawa, who helped organize the event. It was. “So today we came to vaccinate people from Muslim faith, Christian faith, and Sikhs.”
The UK has designed one of the most successful coronavirus vaccination programs in the world and has so far given at least one vaccination to more than half of the adult population. However, vaccination is lagging behind in minority groups and deprived communities.
According to a recent survey commissioned by the Ministry of Health, 72.5% of blacks in the UK were vaccinated or planned to be vaccinated, while 87.6% of Asians and 92.6% of whites.
“There is a lot of false information on the Internet, and that information is too widely available,” said Dr. Manraj Barhay, a local general practitioner. “Therefore, (the coverage among Sikhs) is not as poor as other communities, but it may still be good.”
Vaccination hesitation is the product of problems ranging from vaccine safety concerns to past discrimination in the UK healthcare system. Community leaders are working to combat these fears with educational programs, local vaccine clinics, and even some well-placed photography opportunities.
And with an effort like at a Sikh place of worship on Sunday, it’s a matter of the show-and tell me.
Copyright 2021 AP communication. all rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.
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