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Reporter’s Diary: My COVID-19 Vaccine Experience


Alao Aviodun

When I arrived at CMS Primary Health Center Bariga in Lagos last Friday around 9:30 am, the atmosphere was calm, tidy and calm.

CMS Primary Health Center Bariga

“Only healthcare professionals, security agencies, the press, strategic leaders, and other front-line workers can participate in the first phase of ongoing vaccine deployment.” Announcing a polite Healthcare Matron.

Upon entry, I had to identify myself with a question from the guards. After introducing him immediately, I fully knew that I was qualified and took a seat with confidence.

The seats were strategically placed in the center so that people could calm down and wait for their turn. The vaccination site was an outdoor space.

Senior citizens- 70 years old and over — Retired health care workers, some of whom were wearing nasal masks, took turns seated in the process of registration and capture.

When I chose a seat, I suddenly became scared.I think it was just a vaccine horror as I was trying to get the first dose Oxford AstraZeneca COVID-19 VaccineIn the past few weeks, it has sparked a series of controversies in several countries over its safety and effectiveness.

But when the elderly in front of me was vaccinated and then felt rejuvenated, my fears eased. Also, my conversation with some people in the center, especially those who were vaccinated, rekindled my composure. I told myself that I should be okay.

The first port of call was to register for the following vaccine registration booklet: Book of Life in NYSC.. Answering a few questions, all the necessary details were properly documented in the manual registration process before proceeding to the electronic capture process. Until now, I registered with the portal created for self-registration, but when I access the site, it seems to be disabled.

After a capture process that included answers to questions such as personal information, photo capture, and scanning of vaccine cards issued by healthcare professionals, the next port of call was to receive the vaccine. This process was a seamless exercise that could be completed in no time, but at some point a problem arose. There was a server issue with the electronic capture tool.

After waiting for about 6 hours, security agencies gave priority to attention during that time. Before vaccination, the person managing it asked if I had any allergies or known allergies. I received the vaccine around 2:15 pm.

I was with the nurse within 2 minutes. The nurse checked my vaccine card, wiped my left arm, then said I had to wait 10 minutes before leaving the arena, asked if I had any other questions and gave me an injection.

When you get a shot, you will be given a card with the date you received the first shot, the expected date of the second shot, and the type of vaccine you received — Oxford AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine in addition.

After 10 minutes she asked how I felt and I told her I was great. So she said I could go freely.

Receive COVID-19 vaccine Especially in various speculations, there was a tremendous sense of security. I stayed calm and tried to study my body’s reaction to jabs all day long.

During the rest of the day, I was fine for the rest of the afternoon. Late in the evening, I felt this sudden dizziness. It is advisable to take paracetamol to relieve any form of pain.

There was also mild discomfort, such as headaches and pain in the arm where the shot was taken. Then, when I woke up on Saturday morning, I was relieved. However, the pain caused by the injection made my left arm heavier. There were no side effects.

Vaccination is the only reasonable defense against this violent virus that has overturned almost every aspect of our lives and the rest of the world.

However, I have noticed that there is a lack of “counseling” for vaccinated people, but I strongly believe that the center should also prepare for people with hearing disabilities.

At this point, we need to tell more about COVID-19 vaccination. This is because it can be a more powerful way to convince people to get the vaccine, as well as to state the facts.

I’m looking forward to taking a second shot in June!

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