Evidence supports COVID deafness links, according to scientists
Deafness and other hearing impairments are strongly associated with COVID-19, according to a systematic review of research evidence led by scientists at the University of Manchester and the NIHR Center for Biomedical Research (BRC).
Professor Kevin Manro and PhD researcher Ibrahim Almufarrij have found 56 studies that have identified a link between COVID-19 and hearing and vestibular problems.
They pooled data from 24 studies, Deafness Tinnitus was 7.6%, tinnitus was 14.8%, and dizziness was 7.2%.
They give their findings International Journal of Hearing..
However, a team that followed a review conducted a year ago said the quality of the study was fair.
Their data is mainly self-reported questionnaires or Medical record Get COVID-19-related symptoms rather than being more scientifically reliable Hearing test.
Kevin Munro, a professor of hearing at the University of Manchester and a leader in hearing health at the University of Manchester BRC, said: “Careful clinical and diagnostic studies are urgently needed to understand the long-term effects of COVID-19 on the auditory system.
“It is also well known that viruses such as measles, mumps and meningitis can cause deafness. Little is understood about the effects of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on hearing.”
“This review provides further evidence of relevance, but the studies we examined are of different quality and require more work.”
Professor Munro is currently leading a year-long UK study to investigate the possible long-term effects of COVID-19 on the hearing of people previously treated with the virus in hospitals.
His team wants to accurately estimate the number and severity of COVID-19-related hearing impairments in the United Kingdom and discover which parts of the auditory system can be affected.
We will also investigate the association between these factors and other factors such as lifestyle, the presence of one or more additional conditions, and critical care interventions.
A recent study led by Professor Munro suggested that more than 13% of discharged patients reported hearing changes.
Ibrahim Almufarrij said: “The quality of the evidence varies, but as the basis of the evidence expands, more and more studies are being conducted. What is really needed is a study comparing cases of COVID-19 with controls. Other health Status.
“Caution is that we hope that this study will add weight to the scientific evidence that there is a strong link between COVID-19 and hearing problems.”
Professor Munro said:
“This is alarming, but be aware that it is unclear whether the hearing changes are directly due to COVID-19 or other factors such as treatment to provide emergency treatment. . ”
International Journal of Hearing ,… 4992027.2021.1896793
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Taylor & Francis
Quote: Evidence supports COVID hearing loss links, scientists (22 March 2021) from Says it acquired March 22, 2021
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