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How Weight Loss Helps Reduce the Risk of 13 Types of Cancer


Experts claim that maintaining a healthy weight helps reduce the risk of 13 types of cancer.

is more than 1 in 20 cases of cancer is due to overweight Studies have shown that the longer you stay overweight, the more you risk developing the disease.

According to experts, maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of 13 types of cancer.


According to experts, maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of 13 types of cancer.Credits: Getty-Contributors

obesity According to experts, it is one of the leading preventable causes of cancer in the United Kingdom.

And there are 13 different cancers that are thought to be associated with overweight.

they are:

Martin Richardson, medical director and weight loss surgeon at Transform Hospital Group, said more than a quarter of the UK’s population lives obese.

“The health crisis is time-critical, as the number of people experiencing weight problems is expected to increase significantly over the next 20 years,” he added.

Cancer Research UK study associates overweight with 13 types of cancer


Cancer Research UK study associates overweight with 13 types of cancerCredit: Cancer Research UK

New research from Transform Hospital Group It shows that 64% of those surveyed say they put their weight on during the blockade.

Twelve percent of participants stated they wore 6 kg (just below a 13-pound stone).

Of those surveyed, 68% said that “boring” was the main cause of binge eating.

In some cases, this could have put people who were previously classified as overweight into the obesity category (BMI greater than 30) and those who were in the obesity category into a worse position. there is.

During the coronavirus pandemic, various studies have pointed to an association between obesity and more severe cases of Covid-19.

People with a BMI of 35-40 were found to have a 40% increased risk of death. This increases to 90% for people with a BMI of 40 or higher.

5 ways you can lose weight in a healthy way

Trendy diets often lead to bulimia nervosa and weight gain in the long run.

One expert has revealed five ways you can lose weight by making simple changes to your daily life.

Nutritionist Paola Langera said the key to losing weight is to change your daily habits and introduce new ones.

Drink more water: Maintaining hydration is the key to weight loss, and Paola said you may actually be thirsty and not hungry. She said you should aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

Eat more real carbs: Paola added that real carbohydrates are high in fiber and if you’re trying to lose weight, you should include grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds, legumes, and nuts in your diet.

Eat more often: Believe it or not, Paola says that eating more often can help you lose weight. She said eating more often would keep your blood sugar stable and stop you from feeling hungry.

Train your body and mind: Paola said that simply going for a walk is to stay active and it is important to find and stick to the exercises you enjoy and enjoy.

Sleep more: Sleep deprivation can lead to fatigue and poor metabolism, Paola said, should aim for 7-8 hours each night.

Studies show By sticking to a healthy weight, breast cancer, intestinal cancer, pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer, bile sac cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer, upper abdominal cancer, bone marrow It can reduce the chance of developing cancers such as swelling, meningitis, and thyroid.

Richardson told Sun that being overweight does not mean that he will develop the disease, but that he is at higher risk than if he is healthy.

He states: “The exact mechanism is not fully understood, but obesity exacerbates hormonal imbalances with excess fat, sending growth hormones (signals) to the remaining cells of our body to grow. Tell to.

“These changes also stimulate the immune response and cause mild inflammation.

“Both of these can cause cells to divide faster, which in turn can increase the likelihood of cancer.”

According to Richardson, being “significantly overweight” is well aware of the dangers.

In addition to increasing the chances of cancer, he said it could significantly increase the risk of developing health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Richardson also added: “The coronavirus is currently immersed in the ideas of social and medical professionals, but we should not lose sight of obesity, which has recently been highlighted by the World Health Organization as 21 of the biggest health century’. “

This morning the doctor calls for a FAT superhero, saying “weight loss isn’t good for you” and causing a fuss

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