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Can the new vaccine prevent opioid overdose? -quartz


The coronavirus pandemic has caused many deaths, not just Covid-19.

Other medical crises were caused by pandemics as health deteriorated due to prolonged blockades, quarantines, and postponement of care for fear of transmission.In the United States, one of the worse problems is Opioid crisisWas at the forefront of public health intervention until last year, after which it was replaced by Covid-19 in terms of public attention and research funding.

In the year ending in August Over 88,000 people According to the latest estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drug overdose has died since the United States began drug tracking. The remaining preliminary data for 2020 suggest that it was the most deadly year to date for overdose, as drug users increased due to isolation, unemployment and heightened anxiety. Vulnerable to recurrence..

The border was closed due to a pandemicHowever, due to a shortage of heroin and other drugs, the synthetic drug fentanyl has become a popular alternative. Synthetic opioidsFentanyl, the most common, is more deadly than heroin and causes death from overdose in 2 in 3 people.

Treating addiction is a long and difficult process. But what if vaccination of opioid users could prevent overdose?

Sharon and Offerleby, pediatric professors at Harvard Medical School, believe so. The two married are developing a vaccine that prevents fentanyl from causing death from overdose.

When fentanyl enters the central nervous system, it causes overdose, where it suppresses breathing and eventually leads to death. The vaccine tells the immune system to produce antibodies to fentanyl in the blood, so when the drug is in the system, the antibodies will block it from passing from the blood to the central nervous system, Ofer Levy said. Said.

The study currently focuses on young users between the ages of 15 and 25, but the findings could extend to older people who have been identified as at risk of overdose. “This is not a vaccine given to the general public. It is a vaccine given to opioid users found in clinics trying to stop the drug, but at risk of overdose and death,” he said. Collection.

The program received a $ 25 million grant from National Institute of Health We are currently enrolling study participants and conducting trials to determine the optimal formulation for the vaccine. Researchers hope to enter the testing phase in three to four years.

This is not the only attempt to combat addiction (or its worst consequences) Through the vaccine..Other studies have shown that Vaccine administration You can also reduce methamphetamine addiction behavior in mice and use non-viral vaccine technologies such as mRNA to strengthen your immune system against addiction.

Instead of eliminating addiction, changing syringes Make naloxone available Over-the-counter offers the potential for opioid vaccines Moral hazardDoes it encourage substance use as the risk of death is not very high?

Other than that, the study refuted this argument. Harm reduction The intervention, and Levy, don’t think there is a risk of the vaccine, but he and his team say they are collecting data to study the problem.

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