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How much weight did you gain during the blockade?£ 2 a month, learning tips


Immediately after the pandemic began over a year ago, Americans began joking about the dreaded “Quarantine 15”. I was worried that I might gain weight while I had a stockpile of food, glued to my computer screen, and trapped in a house that was glancing at Netflix.

Concerns are real, but it was difficult to assess the scope of the problem. Surveys that simply ask people about their weight are notorious for being unreliable, and many medical visits have been virtually made.

Currently, in a very small study using objective measurements (weight measurements from a Bluetooth-connected smart scale), adults receiving shelter-in-place orders Increased by over £ 0.5 every 10 days..

Dr. Gregory M. Marcus, senior author of the research letter, said it was announced at the peer-reviewed JAMA Network Open on Monday, which is worth nearly £ 2 a month. He added that Americans who maintained the blockade habit could easily earn £ 20 during the year.

“We know that weight gain is already a public health problem in the United States, so there is definitely concern about what makes it worse. Because shelter-in-place orders are so ubiquitous. It is very relevant, as the number of people affected by this is so large, “said Dr. Marcus, a cardiologist and professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.

Although it is almost impossible to generalize based on studies involving less than 300 people scattered throughout the United States, all participants tracked their weight on a regular basis.

Dr. Marcus said many of these people had lost weight before the shelter-in-place order was issued in the state. “It is reasonable to assume that these individuals are generally more involved in their health, more disciplined and above things,” he said. “It suggests that we may be underestimating — this is just the tip of the iceberg.”

Overweight is associated with an increased risk of developing a more severe Covid-19 infection, and the United States is already one of the countries with the highest rates of overweight and obesity in the world. As defined by the Body Mass Index, about 42% of American adults over the age of 20 are obese, while another 32% of Americans are simply overweight.

The risk of severe illness has also been reported among young adults who are overweight or obese. Many states prioritize overweight or obese people for vaccination, along with people with other chronic illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

The new study analyzed data from 269 participants involved in the ongoing Cardiology study, Health the Heart study. They volunteered to report weight measurements from a Bluetooth-connected smart scale and weighed regularly. The researchers collected 7,444 weight measurements over a four-month period. This is an average of 28 weight measurements from each participant.

The results cannot be generalized, as this group was by no means nationally representative. About three-quarters were white and only 3.5% were identified as black or African-American. About 3 percent are identified as Asian Americans. The average age was 51 years, and it was almost evenly divided between men and women.

Participants were from 37 states and the District of Columbia. Researchers analyzed weight measurements taken between February 1, 2020 and June 1, 2020 to see weight changes before and after the issuance of shelter-in-place orders in each state. It was.

Participants lost most of their pounds before the order was placed, but every 10 days after the order was placed, they weighed 6/10 pounds, anywhere in the country or chronically. Has steadily increased. Medical condition.

The blockade did affect dietary patterns, what people eat, and how often they eat.But the restrictions also reduced the turmoil Physical activity that is part of daily life, The researcher said.

“Given people who commute to work, run to subways or bus stops, step into the post office to send letters, or stop by stores, we burn a lot of calories in our daily non-exercise activities. Says Lian Redman, a professor of clinical physiology at the Pennington Center for Biomedical Research, which is part of Louisiana State University.

According to her research, people were eating healthier meals during the first few days of shutdown, but tended to sit down.

An early study by UCSF researchers looked at the daily steps of about 500,000 people in about 200 countries, tracked on smartphones. The number of steps people have taken It fell 27 percent a month after the World Health Organization declared a pandemic.

Concerns about exercise extend to children who are known to pack unhealthy weight during the summer vacation months when they are out of school. Andrew G. Rundle, an associate professor of epidemiology at Columbia University’s Merman School of Public Health, said he was the author of a recent treatise. Concerns about worsening school closures Existing racial health inequalities.

“We argued that taking a break from school, which we thought would last for six months and last longer, would be like summer vacation, but even worse because everyone has shelf-stable foods. And stay indoors and don’t go out, “he said. “Everything that makes summer dangerous to children will be expanded by the blockade.”

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