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Increased evidence is associated with COVID-19, deafness, tinnitus, and dizziness, researchers say.


The researchers involved in the review said that many patients were sending emails to complain of hearing problems after COVID-19, emphasizing the “urgent need” for diagnostic studies. (BSIP / UIG via Getty Images)

Researchers say there is more evidence to suggest that Deafness And other hearing problems are strongly related COVID-19 infection, According to a systematic review.

Researchers at the University of Manchester and the NIHR Center for Biomedical Research in Manchester, using data from 24 conclusional studies that rely primarily on self-reported questionnaires or medical records, although at least one clinical study is underway. Found up to 7.6% of COVID-19 patients suffering from hearing loss, 14.8% complained of ringing in the ears, and 7.2% reported dizziness.

In their review, International Journal of HearingThe researchers said the data needed a more focused study comparing COVID-19 cases with controls. “Patients hospitalized for other health conditions, etc.”

“We need to be careful, but we hope that this study will add weight to the scientific evidence that there is a strong link between COVID-19 and hearing impairment,” said Ibrahim Almfarigi of the University of Manchester. Said. According to

Another researcher involved in the review said that many patients were sending emails to complain of hearing problems after COVID-19, emphasizing the “urgent need” for diagnostic studies.

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Kevin Munro, a professor of hearing at the University of Manchester and leading the ongoing research for a year, said: .. “This is alarming, but be aware that it is unclear whether the hearing changes are directly due to COVID-19 or other factors such as treatment to provide emergency treatment. . “

This call is consistent with the growing urgency to study the symptoms and effects of long-COVID, or those that persist when the infection is resolved.

Tinnitus, According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communications Disorders (NIDCD)Is commonly described as tinnitus, but can also be described as a roaring, clicking, swooshing, or bouncing sound. It can be soft or loud, treble or bass, and can be in one or both ears.

Tinnitus usually occurs when there is a problem with the auditory system, from earwax blocking the ear canal to more serious problems such as noise-induced hearing loss, ear and sinus infections, heart, blood vessel, and brain disease. I will. Among other things, tumors, hormonal changes in women, or abnormalities in the thyroid gland.

It can also be a side effect of certain medications.

Texas Roadhouse Founder Kent Taylor, 65, dies after fighting worsening COVID-19 symptoms

On Sunday, the family of Kent Taylor, the founder and CEO of the Texas Roadhouse restaurant chain, said: He said he took his life After suffering from COVID-19-related symptoms, including severe tinnitus.

Taylor recently promised to fund clinical research to help military personnel suffering from tinnitus. According to NIDCD, service members exposed to the blast can develop tinnitus when the shock waves of the explosion press on the skull and damage brain tissue in areas that help process sound.

For some, it may not disappear for some time and can cause mental and emotional distress.

“Kent fought as hard as a former track champion, but the recent intensifying suffering has become intolerable,” the statement said.

Editor’s Note: If you or anyone you know is thinking of suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK (8255)).

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