Oxner declared a 24-hour vaccine festival from March 24th to 25th, and was able to obtain 1,400 COVID-19 vaccines at the shrine.

Oxner Health and Jefferson Parish of New Orleans (WUVE) have partnered to increase and grow a high rate of immunization in Louisiana. The Oxner website has opened a link to a reservation for the covid-19 vaccine. It will be held 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to extend this mass vaccination from March 24th to 25th.
The airline shrine at Metallie’s 6000 Airlines Drive will continue to host this vaccination event next week.
Reservation can be made by qualified community members, including essential workers. They are the current start of 6500 first doses of the vaccine and will be the largest event in the state’s history.
“As everyone knows, COVID-19 has influenced our lives, our jobs, and the celebrations of our loved ones,” said Dawn Pevey, CEO of the System Center of Excellence and Service Line. “We are all ready to go back to normal. To do what we enjoy.”
The Parish of Jefferson said all teams will work hard to make this mass vaccination a hit idea, without wasting a partnership with Oxner.
The president of Jefferson Parish Cynthia Leeschen says that his entire parish team, including emergency management, Parks and Recreation, fleet management, streets, trafficking engineering, and the Secretariat, will spend as much time as possible immunizing as many people as possible. Said.
This was a video they posted a week ago about this mass vaccination.
We all know how inhumane it was for COVID-19 to hit this mass quarantine in our lives and kill the lives of many others because of this pandemic. So this pandemic made us realize that relationships with people are important.
Citizens and the general public heard as heroes when the pandemic struck us stood still to give up their families and secure a closed implementation area.
Many police officers, general health and welfare organizations, and individuals had reasons to help everyone.
The Shrine Arline has created everything, and with this mass vaccination program for everyone, it’s easy to find a safe place for people over the age of 73 to get the vaccine.
This high-dose vaccination helps people lead a normal life, benefit themselves and, as always, make their relationships happy. This was the only way for the Jefferson Parish team and MyOchsner to participate in the Vaccine Fest.
They also provide their helpline numbers and appointments are open on their website.
This Vaccine Fest contains festival-themed flares, including a Vaccine Wait Period theme playlist. Vaccinated people are hyped and encouraged by the hashtag #VaxFest. Vaccinated people can share their experiences and encourage vaccinated people. You can also protect yourself, your family, and your entire community by putting them in your hands. COVID 19
This festival was the only good way to get into the best healthy environment and relationships with your family. This fest helps thousands of people to live their lives in a good way.
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