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Anniversary of the blockade looking back on the NHS’s “most difficult year”


Healthcare and social care organizations have marked today’s anniversary of the UK’s first blockade by highlighting the challenges and sacrifices faced by staff over the last 12 months.

The Royal College of Nursing and the Nursing and Midwifery Council are one of those who support the National Foundation Day to remind the country of the life lost in a pandemic.

“We take a day to remember and reflect-about the future we want as much as the year we had.”

Donna Kinner

Data from the Office for National Statistics, released in January, show that at least 883 health care workers and social workers have died from Covid-19.

Developed by the end-of-life charity Marie Curie, the National Day of Reflection aims to give the country a moment to remember, mourn and celebrate everyone who died during this period.

At this point in 2020, the official UK death toll from Covid-19 was 364 when the country headed for its first blockade. Currently, it has reached 126,172 people.

RCN leaders said they are using National Foundation Day to say “thank you” to members of the public for their one-year sacrifice and vocational support gestures.

They emphasized support from individual people shown nationwide, companies that donated food, supermarkets that offer priority slots, and free or discounted transportation.

“This was a national tragedy. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the NHS and the care staff.”

Chris Hopson

Dame Donna Kinnair, RCN’s Chief Executive Officer and General Secretary, said:

“In times of loss and horror, they helped us continue to dig deeper,” she said. “We take a day to remember and reflect as much of the future we want as the year we had.”

Chris Hopson, Chief Executive Officer of the NHS Provider, said: We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the NHS and care staff for doing everything possible through this pandemic.

“Thanks for their continued commitment, professionalism, and compassion during the toughest years of the NHS’s 72-year history.”

He also flagged the “sacrifice of the past year” of the people. This means that the NHS has never been overwhelmed, even though it has “dangerously approached” several places in the last three months.

“By adhering to the blockade rules for the general public, NHS was able to provide care and treatment to Covid-19 patients while continuing to provide routine care,” Hopson said.

Vic Rayner, CEO of the National Care Forum, emphasized that the pandemic was “focused” on social care, as the sector is often at the “earthquake” of the Covid-19 influence.

“It was the caregivers who had the brunt of supporting people in their homes and communities. Every day, every day, seven days a week,” she said. “It was the care providers who had to change and be flexible in the way they provided care.”

Meanwhile, NMC has launched its own Week of Covid-19 Reflectives to highlight and celebrate the achievements of nurses, midwives, nurses and nursing midwifery students.

“I would like to thank, praise and respect all of our nurses, midwives, nurses and students.”

Andrea Satcliffe

They said they were “at the center of Britain’s national response to the coronavirus pandemic,” despite facing extraordinary challenges.

The NMC said it has helped hundreds and thousands of registrants involved in emergency response, including former nursing and midwifery specialists.

The NMC also paid tribute to nursing and midwifery professionals who “made the ultimate sacrifice with Covid-19 or tragically lost colleagues, friends and family.”

Andrea Sutcliffe, NMC CEO and Registrar, said: And it was achieved throughout this special year. “

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