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Las Vegas teens deal with distorted smells and tastes after COVID, and she’s not alone | Coronavirus

Las Vegas teens deal with distorted smells and tastes after COVID, and she’s not alone | Coronavirus



Las Vegas (FOX5)-Almost half of people infected with COVID-19 report a distorted odor. Many people temporarily lose their sense of smell.

That’s what happened to the 16-year-old Desiree demo who had a coronavirus last summer. She had no sensation of smell until December, after which certain foods smelled her rotten.

“It tastes like it was put in a cabinet just 30 years ago and has expired,” Desiree said after trying peanut butter from a spoon. Some of her favorite foods are now impossible for her to eat. There are some odors that cannot be easily dealt with. Coffee is one example.

“I can’t even step into Starbucks without nausea,” said Summerlin’s teen.

Design had never heard of many other people who had this protracted effect from COVID-19, but found that many had these symptoms.

Another FOX5 follower said: Bacon tastes like a lens, but the actual lemon tastes like nothing. We call it corruption. that’s terrible. “

Several others wrote to us with similar symptoms, saying that they all smell like garbage and onions.

Virus outbreak variant

This 2020 electron micrograph, provided by the National Institute of Allergic Infectious Diseases-Rocky Mountain Laboratories, shows SARS-CoV-2 virus particles that cause COVID-19 isolated from patients in the United States. Lab.

The formal term is parosmia. Facebook has a support group with approximately 17,000 members suffering from parosmia or anosmia, which completely loses odor after COVID.

Scientists have discovered that the coronavirus binds to the sensory nerves that cause the sense of smell and damages those cells if they don’t get enough nutrients.

“Some of them may die, and as their nerves re-grow, they can re-grow in an unusual way, which causes people to report these unusual odors or odors. That’s why, “said Dr. Mark Khan, UNLV Medical Dean.

There is no real cure for parosmia, but Kahn said olfactory therapies that essentially retrain the brain are used in these patients.

“It’s a very easy way to get a patient with an abnormal odor to smell peppermint. Basically, I’m trying to teach the brain the smell of peppermint. It’s used by patients with parosmia. I don’t know how well it works. “

The demonstrators said she would be willing to try any treatment or surgery that could fix it. Fun activities such as eating out with friends have become even more difficult.

“I try not to make things too difficult, but it’s definitely an unpleasant situation for me to be here because of the smell,” she said.

Designy’s mom also had to adapt her cooking. Most proteins, fruits and spices are unbearable for Desiree to eat. Because of this, she mostly switched to a vegan diet.

One of the silver linings is that Desiree said she could stop eating some of the foods she didn’t like before.

“For Christmas Eve dinner, my grandma cooked a big seafood dish and I never liked seafood … I felt like I couldn’t eat it because of COVID,” she said with a laugh. It was.


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