Type 1 diabetes hypoglycemia: causes, symptoms, etc.
- Hypoglycemia is a common symptomatology of type 1 diabetes.
- Mild to moderate hypoglycemia can usually be treated on your own.
- Certain devices can monitor and warn of hypoglycemia or stop insulin administration when blood sugar levels are low.
For people with type 1 diabetes, testing blood sugar is part of their daily routine. This is an important step in adjusting insulin to keep your blood sugar in the ideal zone.
But sometimes you may get more insulin than you need. When this happens, it becomes hypoglycemia, also known as hypoglycemia.
Read on to find out more about hypoglycemia, including why it happens, how to recognize it, and when to call 911.
The cells of your body need sugar in the form of glucose to make energy. And you need the right amount of insulin to balance your blood sugar.
If you have more insulin than you need, you will have hypoglycemia or hypoglycemia.
Most people with type 1 diabetes develop mild hypoglycemia once or twice a week.
The goal of most people with type 1 diabetes is to keep their blood sugar levels at 70-180 milligrams (mg / dL) per deciliter. Within this range, the likelihood of complications is low.
Levels of 55-70 mg / dL are mild to moderate hypoglycemia. Below levels of 55 mg / dL, people with type 1 diabetes can experience severe hypoglycemia.
Everyone is a little different, so it’s best to discuss your target zone with your healthcare professional.
The most common causes of hypoglycemia are:
- Too much insulin
- Insulin timing improper
- Not eating enough carbs to match insulin
- Skip the meal
- Not adequately monitored while exercising or drinking
If you have kidney or liver disease or an infection, you may be prone to hypoglycemia.
Hypoglycemia is also more likely to occur when:
- In a hot and humid climate
- During your menstrual period
- Travel
- In the highlands
This condition can also be more likely to occur in people with type 1 diabetes who are in puberty.
It is important to know the symptoms so that you can take steps to treat hypoglycemia. Early symptoms include:
These symptoms are very subtle and may go unnoticed. As it gets worse, you may develop:
- Weakness or malaise
- Difficult to walk
- Blurred vision
Symptoms of severe hypoglycemia include:
- Malaise
- syncope
- confusion
- Seizures
- Loss of consciousness
Severe hypoglycemia can lead to an accident if fainted while driving or in other dangerous situations.
It can also happen while you sleep. A continuous blood glucose monitor can be used to alert you to nighttime episodes. The family needs to know how to identify the main signs of nocturnal hypoglycemia, including:
- Hot and moist skin
- Wet sheets
- Respiratory changes
- Shivering or shaking
Family members need to know where to store their emergency kits in case of severe hypoglycemia at night. If the family suspects that their partner is experiencing hypoglycemia and cannot wake them up, they should be prepared to administer glucagon and call a doctor.
The longer you have diabetes, the harder it can be to recognize the signs of hypoglycemia. If you experience hypoglycemia frequently, you may develop the so-called hypoglycemic unconsciousness.
The unconsciousness of hypoglycemia can be very dangerous. Strict avoidance of hypoglycemia for several weeks can raise awareness.
Certain medications, such as antihypertensive medications, can also hide the symptoms.
Educating people close to you is important because you are not always aware of the signs of hypoglycemia. In this way, you can take action if you notice a symptom.
Hypoglycemia is hypoglycemia. Hyperglycemia, on the other hand, occurs when the blood sugar level is too high.
Hyperglycemia occurs when there is not enough insulin to process sugar. This can be due to the following reasons:
- Insulin intake was too low
- I ate more than I expected
- I had less exercise than I expected
- Already feeling sick or stressed
Symptoms of hyperglycemia include thirst and frequent urination.
Check your blood sugar as soon as you first feel the symptoms. For 51-70 mg / dL:
- Eat 10 to 15 grams of fast-acting carbohydrates such as fruit juices and candy balls, or take 3 to 4 tablets of glucose.
- After 15 minutes, test the blood again. If it is still low, repeat.
For the next few days, you may be less likely to notice symptoms of hypoglycemia, so test your levels regularly.
Tell your doctor if this happens frequently. Your treatment plan may require some adjustment.
If hypoglycemia is too long, it can cause permanent damage to health and even life-threatening.
Therefore, if you notice any symptoms, you need to act quickly. If you are weak or confused, ask for help.
If your blood glucose is less than 50 mg / dL:
- Eat 20-30 grams of fast-acting carbohydrates or 6-8 glucose tablets.
- After 15 minutes, test again. If it is still low, repeat.
If desired, someone can give you an emergency dose of glucagon. It can be given by injection or nasal drops. Your blood should be tested again after 15 minutes.
Someone needs to call 911 if:
- You have lost consciousness.
- You had glucagon, but you needed a second dose or you still feel disorientation.
- Blood sugar is too low after 20 minutes.
If in doubt, ask for help. First responders can administer glucose intravenously to raise blood sugar levels quickly.
Some tools can help prevent and treat hypoglycemia or provide information if you can’t speak for yourself.
Emergency kit
Keep the emergency kit handy and include the following items:
- Glucagon
- Glucose tablets
- Fast-acting carb-filled snacks
- Medical ID card or bracelet indicating that you have type 1 diabetes
- Written instructions on how someone can help you in an emergency
Medical ID bracelet
A medical ID bracelet or necklace warns others, including your healthcare professional, that you have type 1 diabetes. This will save you valuable time and your life.
Glucagon is a hormone that raises blood sugar levels. This is a prescription drug that can be used as follows:
- Nasal spray
- Prefilled syringe
- Auto injector pen
If you can’t manage it yourself, you can teach your close family, friends, and colleagues how to use it.
Continuous blood glucose monitor
A continuous blood glucose monitor can alert you when your blood glucose is low. Parents and caregivers can also track and receive smartphone alerts when their blood sugar levels are too low or too high.
When the pump and monitor are on a closed-loop system, insulin is automatically adjusted in response to hypoglycemia. These devices are especially useful at night if you don’t wake up when your blood sugar drops.
Hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes is when the blood sugar level falls below the target range. If you catch it early, you can take steps to raise your blood sugar.
A significant drop in blood sugar can quickly become a life-threatening event. However, there are ways to help monitor glucose, keep it in the target zone, and give immediate treatment.
If in doubt, seek emergency medical care.
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