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Do I need to get the COVID vaccine even if I have been infected with the coronavirus?Experts say “yes!”

Do I need to get the COVID vaccine even if I have been infected with the coronavirus?Experts say “yes!”


Do I need to get the COVID vaccine even if I have been infected with the coronavirus?

SARS-CoV-2 virus particles have surface spikes (green) to which the antibody adheres. Credit: NIAID / flickr

The COVID vaccine is under development and Australians are lining up to get the jab. But what if you already have COVID-19? Is it still a good idea to get vaccinated?

Natural exposure It stimulates immunity, but it is not yet known how long this immunity will last. And people have different abilities to initiate a defensive immune response.

Even if you have been infected with COVID-19, you still need to be vaccinated. COVID It may provide more reliable and lasting immunity than previous infections. At a minimum, it adds a layer of targeted protection.

This is our way Works after natural infection vs. vaccine.

From B cells to neutralizing antibodies

Immediately after being infected with SARS-CoV-2 (a virus that causes COVID-19) (T And B cells) are activated.Activated B cells are so-called Neutralizing antibody.. These antibody-secreting cells protect our body from infection by making antibodies that bind to spikes on the surface of the virus and block the virus from entering our cells.

Neutralizing antibodies spill into the bloodstream and travel throughout the body to clear the virus. After the infection is resolved, these activated B cells settle down and move to a resting state. They move from our blood to the lymph nodes and bones.These so-called Memory B cells Survive for decades with the help of memory T cells.

However, they sometimes need tweaks to make sure they are ready to start gear if we are exposed to infection.

Our immune cells depend on memory

Upon re-exposure to the virus or receiving a vaccine booster, these memory cells wake up, become activated, and produce large amounts of antibodies much faster. This immune memory reduces the risk of being infected with SARS-CoV-2.But then it will be possible Faster healing from COVID-19..

Sustain Neutralizing antibody level Shows sufficient protection against SARS-CoV-2. How long does innate immunity take after COVID-19 fluctuates and depends? Viruses, humans and environmental factors.. For example, viral variants can make a difference with our genes, underlying health, and age.

These factors can affect neutralizing antibody levels and can decline over time to fall below protective levels.

Since COVID-19 has not been present for a particularly long time, it is difficult to know how long innate immunity generally lasts.But antibodies and immune memory At least 2 months..

Related for patients who have recovered from SARS , Studies show that they maintained Antibodies up to 2-3 years After infection.

Immune response to vaccine

Again, due to the short time frame, data on sustained antibody responses after vaccination are limited.However, the immunity seems to be strong 3 months later Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine.

The COVID-19 vaccine targets a variety of specific factors in ways that are not possible with natural infections. For example, all considerations such as dosage and time between doses have been established to provide optimal immunity.

Continued monitoring of people who receive the COVID vaccine can provide a better understanding of protective immunity and its longevity.

Keep track of variants

Innate immunity from infection may provide some protection from other mutants, but vaccines play an important role as the virus continues to mutate.

Regular booster immunization of the COVID vaccine may be required until the pandemic is suppressed. This provides protection against mutants that may not be able to neutralize existing antibodies.

Boosters enhance a wide range of immunity to some of the peplomer proteins shared between different viral variants.Antibodies generated in these common areas can neutralize and stop the virus ..

This was seen only in people with common cold infections. Other coronaviruses In front of COVID-19.

Is there only one jab? Vaccines as a cure for long-term COVID?

There have been some studies suggesting that people with COVID may only need it Single dose of vaccine It will be protected.

For those who have been infected with COVID, it may be possible to supplement with a single dose To the protection level. This is because they are beginning to lay a stronger foundation in terms of antibody levels and immune memory compared to people who are not infected with the virus.

But Australian experts still recommend 2 times, Whether or not you are infected with COVID.

Meanwhile, reports report Long COVID You may also benefit from vaccination. We don’t know how this happens, but the symptoms may improve when the hidden viral reservoir is removed from the body. Research on this phenomenon is ongoing.

At the end of the day, when the vaccine becomes available, you will need to get the vaccine, even if you are infected with COVID-19. Vaccines may protect you, but it is also important to protect others as you are moving towards the goal of herd immunity.

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Quote: Do I need to get the COVID vaccine even if I have been infected with coronavirus?Experts say “yes!” (March 25, 2021) March 25, 2021 Get

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