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Pregnant breastfeeding mothers pass COVID-19 antibodies to their babies.

Pregnant breastfeeding mothers pass COVID-19 antibodies to their babies.


According to a recent study published by the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, pregnant or lactating mothers vaccinated with COVID-19 can infect their children with the antibody.

The study, which examined 131 reproductive age vaccine recipients, including 84 pregnant and 31 lactating, found antibodies in all cord blood and breast milk samples collected, and the antibodies were passed from mother to child. It was shown that it was done.

In addition, the study found that women vaccinated with COVID-19 had higher antibody counts than women naturally infected with the coronavirus.

the study Provides initial data from a large cohort of maternal antibody production in response to COVID-19 vaccination. It also compares the immunity generated by the vaccine with that of natural infections during pregnancy, suggesting that vaccination of pregnant and lactating women can provide strong maternal and neonatal immunity.

Dr. Anthony Ognyan, an infectious disease doctor at McLaren Hospital in McComb, said he was confident that the medical community would, but it’s good to do research to see what is believed to be true. Thing.

“It’s the way God created humans, which means that mom’s milk conveys immunity to children,” he said. “That’s why we encourage breastfeeding. We support antibodies. Well, this wasn’t unexpected.”

Ognjan says doctors usually pay attention to vaccination of pregnant mothers. This is because the immune system is relaxed as a way to prevent their bodies from rejecting babies as foreign antigens.

Neither the Moderna vaccine nor the Pfizer vaccine contains the live virus, he said, although the live vaccine prevents more questions about invasion of the placenta.

The study included 131 vaccinated individuals enrolled in one of two academic medical centers. This included 84 pregnant women, 31 lactating women, and 16 non-pregnant but reproductive age women.

Of the pregnant women, 11 were first vaccinated against the first trimester, 39 were vaccinated against the second trimester, and 34 were vaccinated against the third trimester.

Antibody measurements were taken at baseline, at the second vaccination, 2-6 weeks after the second dose, and at delivery.

Umbilical cord antibodies were also evaluated at birth. The code with the lowest response was for mothers who had not been vaccinated a second time at birth, and two doses may be essential to optimize immunity to the baby.

The researchers compared the antibody count in this study to the antibody count in pregnant women who were naturally infected with the coronavirus for 4 to 12 weeks. The results showed that vaccinated people had more antibodies than naturally infected people.

The number of candidates who received the Pfizer vaccine and the number of candidates who received the modelna vaccine were the same. Both use mRNA to deliver the SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen to the immune system. This is a new vaccine platform that has never been tested during pregnancy.

The Moderna vaccine shows a higher antibody response than the Pfizer vaccine and “may be related to the extended boosting window used in the Moderna vaccine,” the study said.

This study was supported by the National Institutes of Health. The results were received by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology on March 10, accepted on March 22, and published on Thursday, March 25.

Guidance from the CDC is that vaccines Make it available to pregnant mothers if they want itThis is because pregnant women are at increased risk of serious illness due to COVID-19 when compared to non-pregnant women.

Based on how these vaccines work in the body, experts believe that they are unlikely to pose a particular risk to pregnant people. However, according to the CDC, data on the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine in pregnant people are currently limited.

Pregnant women were not used in the first clinical trial of the vaccine. However, studies in animals vaccinated with Moderna, Pfizer, or Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines before or during pregnancy did not show any safety concerns.

Details of MLive:

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In Michigan, hospitalization of unvaccinated adults with COVID-19 is seen as “increased vigilance.”

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