Everything you need to know about Epilepsy Awareness Day
Epilepsy Awareness Day, or Purple Day, is celebrated on March 26th each year. This day is marked to raise awareness of people around the world about epileptic brain damage. It is an opportunity to deepen the public’s understanding of the disease and remove the fears and stigma around it. Epilepsy can be treated if properly diagnosed and treated. And that’s why awareness and research are so important.
History of purple day
In 2008, a young Cassidy Megan from Nova Scotia, Canada, established Epilepsy Awareness Day. The first event was held on March 26th of that year. Cassidy, then nine years old, raised awareness around the world with her diagnosis. She was motivated to share the hardships of living with epilepsy after recognizing the importance of a general understanding of this common neuropathy. In 2009, Cassidy and the Maritime Epilepsy Association partnered with the Anita Kaufman Foundation to launch Purple Day internationally.
Purple Day’s global sponsors are committed to gaining more collective attention by partnering with individuals and organizations across the continent to promote awareness of epilepsy. Since the inception of Purple Day, the Foundation has organized a structured campaign and has continued to expand its reach ever since. This is a way for the general public not only to learn, engage and support the education of epilepsy in the world, but also to dispel the myths and fears that surround it.
Why Purple Day is so important
The electrical damage experienced in the brain causes different types of seizures. This is how individuals develop epilepsy. It’s a scary situation for the general public, who often make false assumptions about the potential of people living with illness. Epilepsy, the fourth most common neuropathy, develops after migraine, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease. It is estimated that one in 26 Americans will develop epilepsy at some point in their lives.
It enhances understanding: It is a common illness in the United States, but not enough resources are consumed for research and awareness. This is why Epilepsy Awareness Day helps to provide the very necessary attention it justifies.
It removes fear and stigma: Education has potential. To eradicate fear and prejudice. People with epilepsy often experience prejudice and discrimination. This can be much more cumbersome to navigate than the state itself. Epilepsy Awareness Day contributes significantly to the understanding and insight of people around the world.
For the love of color: 40% of people around the world say that their favorite color is purple. It is generally believed that those who are passionate about color will be great humanitarians and will soon help those in need. These are major features that help educate and support epilepsy.
Here are some important facts related to epilepsy
About 50 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy. People suffering from this condition have almost three times the risk of premature death than the general population.
It is estimated that 1 in 100 people suffers from epilepsy, and about 2.2 million Americans live in this condition. Epilepsy is not mentally ill or contagious. Not everyone can correctly understand the specific situations and events that affect a seizure, but here are some common triggers that can help you recognize a clear seizure trigger.
-Forgot to take the prescribed seizure medication
-Lack of sleep
-Not enough food
-Stress, excitement, emotional upset
-Menstrual cycle / hormonal changes
-Illness and fever
-Low level of seizure medication
-Drugs other than the prescribed seizure medication
-Flickering lights on computers, TVs, videos, and sometimes even bright sunlight
-Street drug
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