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Support available to address the needs of people with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease-News


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According to experts, the COVID-19 pandemic presents specific challenges to nursing homes with patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, but with federal funding to address the needs of these patients. Is available.

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It can be difficult to achieve in patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, when social distance is crucial for stopping the spread of coronaviruses. .

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Murphy said it’s not uncommon for some patients to get lost in other patients’ rooms with memory units.

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Although walking promotes motility and strength building in Alzheimer’s patients, she said there is a “great risk” of dangerous wandering when the person is upset, agitated, or in a stressful situation. , Said it is likely to occur in an emergency such as a pandemic.

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For example, a plastic sheet is installed as a barrier between the dementia unit and the normally connected part of the nurse’s station, as described by the family of dementia patients in one community nursing home. Environmental changes can be one possible cause. Upset.

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“It’s amazing to see all nurses and aides wearing masks,” Murphy said.

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Caregivers often follow behind demented patients and do not move to unsafe or inappropriate locations (such as another patient’s room).

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However, understaffing can make it more difficult to prevent social distances between patients.

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Kevin Kavanaugh, director of patient advocacy group Health Watch USA, said nursing homes “provide serious problems in controlling infections,” and patients are often washed and not touched in the Alzheimer’s ward, as well as in the Alzheimer’s ward. Their faces that said they may need to be reminded.

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Another way in which dementia sufferers can react to excitement is to say that loud vocalizations and screams can cause the virus to aerosolize, he said. He said patients with Alzheimer’s disease are “less compliant with social distances and handwashing.”

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According to Murphy, staff in nursing homes can walk outside in a garden setting, see family photos, listen to their favorite music, and lead activities to calm dementia patients. I can.

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“It’s important to ensure that you exercise as regularly as possible and provide structured activities throughout the day,” Murphy said. “Everything goes back to one-on-one care, but it depends on the facility and staffing situation… lack of staff can be a challenge.”

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Nate Wardle, a spokesman for the Pennsylvania Department of Health, said there was no widespread labor shortage in any part of the state.

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“There may be some isolated issues in a particular facility, but none across the region,” said Woldle.

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Murphy and the manager of a local nursing home said DOH would be very helpful in providing such guidance.

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Moosic’s U.S. House of Representatives D-8 Matt Carwright noted that his mother had Alzheimer’s disease and was “intimate” about the challenges faced by people with dementia and their caregivers. Said.

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These caregivers and other nursing home staff are among those who are “at the forefront of this war on the coronavirus”. They are in close contact with known COVID-19 patients, may not have sufficient personal protective equipment and should be returned to a family concerned about the spread of the disease.

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“You add them all and the worry is that you are putting too much strain on people,” he said.

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One reason Cartwright introduced the Hazard Pay proposal for essential workers is to increase salaries for high-risk healthcare workers by up to $ 35,000. Other significant employee payments up to $ 25,000.

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Contact the writer: smocarsky @, 570-821-2110, @ MocarskyCV

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Online addition

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Read Emergency Preparedness Guide here.

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For more information on the Greater Pennsylvania Chapter Webinars, here.

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For guidance and tips from the COVID-19 Alzheimer’s Association, here.

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Get help

It’s a sequel.
The Alzheimer’s Association operates a 24-hour helpline for caregivers of Alzheimer’s disease. Please call 1-800-272-3900.


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