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If you want to live a longer and healthier life, never fall asleep in discussion

If you want to live a longer and healthier life, never fall asleep in discussion


Author: “Daily stressors-especially the little inconveniences we have all day-even those have a lasting effect on mortality.”

Corvallis, Oregon — Will the discussion in the office on Monday still bite you on Friday? Daily stressors come to people from all directions, and some negative situations are simply inevitable. However, researchers at Oregon State University say how dealing with these day-to-day conflicts can have serious implications for your health. Their study found that when people solved the problem quickly, the emotional fallout from the discussion disappeared almost completely.

The authors of the study add that reducing chronic stress plays a major role in improving overall health. This is important both for avoiding mental health problems and for reducing stress-induced physical illness.

“Everyone is experiencing stress in their daily lives. I’m not going to stop stressful things from happening. But to the extent you can connect them, end them, and resolve them. Will definitely benefit you in terms of your well-being, “says senior author Robert Stowski. University release..

Previous studies have discovered how chronic stress can affect human health. Emotional tension can lead to problems such as depression and anxiety, as well as physical problems such as heart disease and gastrointestinal problems. stress It can even damage the immune system and cause reproductive dysfunction.Many people may see the major Money-like stressor Or if crime is the main cause, the team states that even small problems can have big consequences.

“Daily stressors, especially the little inconveniences we have throughout the day, have lasting effects on mortality, inflammation, cognitive function, etc.,” said Dakota Witzer, lead author and OSU PhD student. Explains.

Unresolved arguments can leave negative “residues”

Stawski and Witzel investigated the data collected by the National Study of Daily Experiences during the study. The survey interviewed more than 2,000 people who reported emotional and emotional experiences for eight consecutive days.

OSU team Individual discussion During that time, I avoided discussion. The researcher defines an evasive argument as if the participant was able to argue with someone but chose to slide the issue. Next, Stawski and Witzel measured how a person’s negative and positive emotions changed after these incidents. Examine changes both on the day of the discussion and the next day.

When a stressor emotionally influences someone, scientists refer to an immediate increase in negative emotions or a decrease in positive emotions as follows: Reactivity.. Long-term emotional fallout from these events residue..Using these measurements, the team measured negatives and positives Affect The extent to which each participant’s discussion, or someone feels these feelings on a particular day.

The results become apparent on the day of discussion or avoidance discussion, and as soon as the conflict is resolved, emotional well-being is greatly improved.Participants who solved the problem reported an emotional response of about half of the participants who solved the problem. Prolong the problem..

The day after these incidents, the results show an even greater difference. Those who felt relieved the stress the day before did not see an increase in adverse effects the next day.

Are older people good at relieving stress?

Researchers have also found that age can play a role in how well they cope with stressful situations. Adults over the age of 68 were more than 40% more likely to resolve conflicts than adults under the age of 45.But the emotional impact of Argument resolution It remained the same regardless of the age of the person.

The OSU team believes there are several reasons why older people seem to be better at relieving stress. For one thing, older people have less life left and may be motivated to put emotional problems behind them. Stawski and Witzel also believe that older people are probably more experienced in navigating discussions and stress.

“If older people are really motivated to maximize emotional well-being, they will do a better job, or at least a faster job, by solving stressors in a more timely way.” And the university’s associate professor, Stawski, adds that of public health and human sciences.

Although some daily stressors are out of control, researchers point out that the lack of control itself is an emotional stressor. More people Work on their response In certain situations, their health can improve.

“Some people are more responsive than others,” Stawski concludes. “Resolving your argument is very important for maintaining the well-being of everyday life.”

The study will be displayed in Journals of Gerontology: Series B..

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