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CDC warns young adults reporting anxiety, depression exceeds 40% as pandemics continue

CDC warns young adults reporting anxiety, depression exceeds 40% as pandemics continue
CDC warns young adults reporting anxiety, depression exceeds 40% as pandemics continue


According to a new federal study, an increasing proportion of US adults under the age of 30 are pursuing mental health counseling and reporting symptoms of anxiety and depression in an ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Published a study on Friday and found that 41.5 percent of Americans under the age of 30 experienced symptoms of anxiety and depressive disorders.this data By February 2021, 36.4% of young adults showed a 5% increase from August 2020, when they said the same thing.

A CDC mental health study of Americans during a pandemic found that an increase in anxiety or depression was directly parallel to the number of weeks of COVID-19-positive infection nationwide. Adults aged 18-29, who are less educated than high school degrees, were most affected.

Approximately 12% of young adults say they have “unmet mental health care needs” that have occurred in the past year since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States.

Isolation, loneliness, and unemployment were the most commonly cited issues among Americans under the age of 30.

Anxiety was the most prevalent and affected 36.9% of adults, and depression was the second most common disorder among the 30.2% of people studied.

“Major illness outbreaks are associated with mental health problems,” wrote the author of the weekly CDC morbidity and mortality report released Friday.

“Infectious disease epidemics and increased mortality during outbreaks are often associated with fear and grief. Social restrictions, unnecessary business operations restrictions, and pandemic-related mortality and morbidity. Other measures to reduce it can lead to isolation and unemployment, further increasing the risk of employment shortages and mental health problems. “

In addition to the increased incidence of anxiety and depression, more young adults have stated that they need mental health counseling, but have not yet received such treatment since the onset of the pandemic. Increased mental health problems were seen across all racial and ethnic lineages, including an 8-point increase in anxiety or depression reported by uneducated adults.

Data collection for this study began in April 2020, approximately a month after the first confirmed cases of coronavirus began to appear in the United States. The CDC has partnered with the US Census Bureau and the Household Pulse Survey (HPS) to capture changes in respondents’ mental health “quick response”. People surveyed by CDC researchers were asked if they had experienced symptoms of anxiety or depression in the last seven days.

The most common symptoms reported were “tension, anxiety, or awkwardness, 2) inability to stop or control anxiety, 3) little interest or joy in doing things, 4) depression, or I feel depressed and despair. ” The author wrote.

Newsweek I contacted the CDC on Saturday morning for more information on the investigation.

Anxiety Depression Pandemic in Young Americans
Students are holding their heads while listening to the Republican presidential candidate. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-GA) addresses Mary at a campaign town hall-style conference at the Hodson Auditorium on the Hood College campus on April 2, 2012 in Frederick. land. Maryland will host one of three primaries nationwide on Tuesday. Gingrich runs for party convention and stays in presidential election after dismissing one-third of the campaign staff last week after admitting that it is impossible to completely beat the Republican presidential candidate. I swore.
CHIP SOMODEVILLA / Staff / Getty Images

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