630 cases and 24 deaths announced on Saturday. State-wide hospitalizations less than 3,400 – NBC5 Dallas Fort Worth
An additional 24 COVID-19 deaths and an additional 630 new cases of the virus were reported on Saturday in three of the largest counties in northern Texas.
There were 2,292 new cases of the virus reported on Saturday across the state (state case data are usually one day behind the local health sector, and the number reported today in Dallas, Tarant, and Colin is tomorrow’s state. Reported by), and an additional 107 people have died.
The proportion of people admitted to TSA-E with COVID-19 continues to decline, at 4.06%.
County-specific details for the Dallas, Talent, Denton, and Colin counties are based on data reported by county authorities, local health departments, and state health departments on Saturday, March 27.
Dallas County
Dallas County reported another 16 COVID-19 deaths and 312 new virus cases on Saturday.
In the last seven days, Dallas County has published 1,892 possible cases of a new virus. This is an average of 270 per day. A week ago, the county reported an average of 266 new cases per day.
Over the past seven days, Dallas County has also announced 101 deaths, an average of 14 deaths per day. A week ago, the county reported an average of 12 deaths per day.
Since March 2020, the county has reported a total of 209,108 viruses, including 251,502 confirmed cases (PCR) and 38,606 possible cases (antigens). There were 3,485 deaths due to the virus. Currently, there are an estimated 280,551 recovery and 6,072 estimated active cases remain in the county.
Tarrant County
Tarrant County reported seven more COVID-19 deaths and 172 new virus cases on Saturday.
In the last seven days, Tarrant County has published 1,345 potential cases of the new virus. This averages 192 per day. A week ago, the county reported an average of 230 new cases per day.
Over the past seven days, Tarrant County has also announced 67 deaths, an average of 10 deaths per day. A week ago, the county reported an average of 14 deaths per day.
Since March 2020, the county has reported a total of 250,093 viruses, including 211,332 confirmed cases (PCR) and 38,761 possible cases (antigens). There were 3,265 deaths from the virus. Currently, there are an estimated 241,234 recovery and 5,594 estimated active cases remain in the county.
Denton County
The Denton County Public Health Department did not report case data on Saturday. The county said last weekend that data reports would not be released on weekends due to “low numbers of positive labs currently being received” on Saturday and Sunday.
In the last seven days, Denton County has published 599 potential cases of the new virus. This is an average of 86 per day. A week ago, the county reported an average of 170 new cases per day.
Over the past seven days, Denton County has also announced nine deaths, an average of one death per day. A week ago, the county reported an average of three deaths per day.
Since March 2020, the county has reported a total of 71,484 viral cases, including 53,103 confirmed cases (PCR) and 18,381 possible cases (antigens). There were 462 deaths due to the virus. Currently, there are an estimated 63,764 recovery and 7,258 estimated active cases remain in the county.
Collin County
The Texas Department of Health reported 146 cases and one additional death from COVID-19 in Collin County on Saturday.
In the last seven days, DSHS has published 611 new possible cases of the virus. This is an average of 87 per day. A week ago, the county reported an average of 89 new cases per day.
In the last seven days, DSHS has also announced 11 deaths in Collin County, an average of 2 deaths per day. A week ago, the county reported an average of two deaths a day.
Since March 2020, DSHS has reported a total of 86,161 viral cases in the county, including 71,703 confirmed cases (PCR) and 14,458 estimated cases (antigens). There were 788 deaths due to the virus. Currently, there are an estimated 85,113 recovery and 260 estimated active cases remain in the county.
Want to be on the waiting list for vaccines?
The county’s health department has set up a waiting list for those who wish to be vaccinated and qualified under Phase 1A, 1B, 1C, and child care and education staff.
You can register for vaccination in the Colin, Dallas, Denton, and Talent counties. The link is below.
Waiting list link: Colin — Search the waiting list | Dallas | Denton | Talent
You do not need to be a resident of the county to enroll in the COVID-19 vaccine in that county. Registration is possible for anyone in Texas. For those who do not have internet access, Tarrant County also accepts registrations by phone 817-248-6299. In Dallas County, call the DCHHS Vaccine Hotline 1-855-IMMUNE9 (1-855-466-8639). In Denton County, call 940-349-2585.
The vaccine is currently given only to people who are part of Phases 1A, 1B, and 1C, as outlined by the Texas Department of Health. Phase 1A targets are front-line healthcare professionals or long-term care facility residents. Phase 1B includes people over the age of 65, or people over the age of 16 with a chronic condition at risk of severe illness.
On March 3, the availability of vaccines was expanded to include school and childcare workers. On March 15, the vaccine eligibility was expanded to include Phase 1C, which includes everyone over the age of 50.
President Biden said the vaccine should be available to all Americans by May 1.
After vaccination, people are expected to receive some protection within a few weeks of the first shot, but full protection may not occur until a few weeks after the second shot. Even when fully vaccinated, the vaccine does not provide 100% protection and can be infected with the virus.
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