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According to research, the number of cases of Chinese coronavirus may have been four times the official case, world news


The first wave of Covid-19 on the mainland could have infected more than 232,000 people China, Four times the official figure, according to research by Hong Kong researchers.

In mainland China, more than 55,000 cases have been reported as of February 20, Research by researchers from the School of Public Health, University of Hong Kong, presented at Lancet, The true number would have been much higher if the Covid-19 case definitions used later were applied from the beginning.

Currently, more than 83,000 cases have been reported in China. Globally, more than 183,000 people have died of coronaviruses and more than 2.6 million cases worldwide.

China’s National Health Commission issued case definitions for seven versions of Covid-19 between January 15th and March 3rd. Studies have found that these changes have a “substantial effect” on the number of infections detected as cases.

It comes from the Chinese ambassador to China calling for a “serious reconsideration of the foundations” of bilateral relations and criticizing US politicians for ignoring scientists and making “groundless” criticisms.

The Hong Kong study analyzed data up to 20 February extracted from the World Health Organization’s mission to Wuhan.

It is estimated that each of the first four changes increased the rate of detected and counted cases from 2.8 to 7.1 fold.

“ By February 20, 2020, if the fifth version of the case definition was applied to the entire outbreak with sufficient test capacity, there were 232,000 confirmed cases, as opposed to the 55,508 confirmed cases reported. It was estimated that there was. “

As scientific knowledge and laboratory abilities evolved, the definition of confirmed cases expanded to include cases with mild symptoms or no epidemiological association with Wuhan or other known cases. .

The report said that these changes should be taken into account when looking at the growth rate and doubling time of infectious diseases.

China faces constant skepticism about reporting incidents. Last week, the number of deaths in Wuhan, which is believed to have caused the virus, was revealed, In fact, it was 50% higher than the first reported value.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday that the United States believed that the ruling Communist Party of China was unable to report a new coronavirus outbreak in a timely manner.

The United States and Australia are calling for international research into outbreak handling.

US Ambassador to China on Wednesday, “We need to seriously reconsider the basis of this important relationship,” Cui Tiankai said. Between the two countries. He also accused US politicians of being “engaged in their efforts at criticism and unfounded accusations,” rather than listening to the opinions of scientists.

The United States, mainly through President Trump, Amplifies the theory that the virus escaped from the Chinese laboratory, No evidence.

Wednesday night, Trump accused Governor and Republican allies He “violates” graduated federal guidelines around his decision to reopen bowling alleys, hair salons and other businesses on Friday.

Despite raising a voice in favor of US citizens protesting Lockdown, President Trump said of Georgia governor Brian Kemp:

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a US infectious disease expert, also called for opposition to Kemp’s decision.

At the same press conference There was a complete contradiction between Trump and his expert Over the risk of the virus coming back later this year.

Dr. Trump said Dr. Robert Redfield, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was “completely misquoted” in an article about the risk of the virus during an influenza epidemic. Standing by Trump on the podium, Redfield told reporters: “I have been quoted accurately in the Washington Post.”

Forchi added that he was “confident” about the risk of a resurgence, and added that “the fall will cause a coronavirus.”

Other developments are:

  • Rating agency Fitch said in a note issued Thursday that the world is on track for a “postwar unprecedented depth” recession. The agency is currently expecting a 3.9% reduction in world GDP in 2020.

  • The Asian stock market on Thursday calmed the nervous market, coupled with a rebound in crude oil prices from historic lows and a commitment by the US government to soften the coronavirus-damaged economy.

  • The central bank announced on Thursday that the twelfth largest Korean economy in the world had its worst performance in more than a decade in the first quarter of this year.

  • Two New York cats tested positive for coronavirus, First confirmed case with companion animal In the United States, federal officials said Wednesday.

  • Missing Wuhan citizen journalist Li Zehua is back. After posting a video from Wuhan during the outbreak of the coronavirus, he went missing for almost two months, AppearedHe said he was detained by police and forced to be quarantined.

  • Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Secretary General of the World Health Organization, Still “a long way” In addressing the coronavirus crisis around the world.

  • The first case was recorded among Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. Virus outbreak in a crowded camp Feared since the outbreak of the crisis.


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