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14 deaths reported on Saturday, increased hospitalization – CBS Baltimore

14 deaths reported on Saturday, increased hospitalization – CBS Baltimore
14 deaths reported on Saturday, increased hospitalization – CBS Baltimore


Annapolis, Maryland (WJZ) — Maryland reported 14 new COVID-19-related deaths and saw an increase in hospitalizations on Saturday, according to State Department data.

The state reported 1,366 new cases, for a total of 406,709 cases.

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A total of 8,061 Marylanders died as a result of the virus.

Hospitalization is currently 947, an increase of 14 from Friday. Of these, 238 patients are in the ICU bed and 709 are receiving emergency treatment.

The state-wide positive rate dropped slightly to 4.58%.

As of Saturday, 877,651 Marylanders have been fully vaccinated. The state received a total of 2,481,607 doses: 1,603,956 first doses and 812,297 second doses.

Some Marylanders received their first vaccination this weekend at the Coinonia Baptist Church in northeastern Baltimore.

“I’m glad I was shot,” said Harold Cook.

The vaccination clinic was started by Johns Hopkins Medical and African-American church leaders trying to bring vaccines to areas where the pandemic has become the most serious and faces many barriers to access to the vaccine. It was the first of a new initiative.

“It’s better not to mess with it than to take it and get it and die,” said Dicky McNair.

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This week, Governor Larry Hogan announced the opening of six more mass vaccination facilities in the counties of Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Frederick, Harford, Howard and Montgomery in April.

“As I said, it’s really a race between vaccines and mutants, and we’re trying to get as many people as possible vaccinated,” Governor Hogan said this week.

“We have built an infrastructure that puts all the vaccines in someone’s arms, and we will finally get that supply starting next week,” the governor added.

Coronavirus resource:

The breakdown of COVID-19 cases and deaths is as follows (possibility of death is listed by asterisk).

By county

county Case Dead (number)
Ally Gainy 6,486 (201) 1 *
Analandel 38,446 (548) 14 *
Baltimore city 43,782 (920) twenty two *
Baltimore County 55,000 (1,325) 34 *
Culvert 3,883 (73) 1 *
Caroline 2,104 (twenty two) 0 *
Carol 8,132 (212) Five *
Cecil 5,300 (124) 2 *
Charles 9,620 (168) 2 *
Dorchester 2,463 (47) 1 *
Frederick 18,003 (291) 9 *
Galette 1,897 (61) 1 *
Hurford 13,742 (251) Four *
Howard 17,044 (220) 6 *
Kent 1,215 (42) 2 *
Montgomery 66,250 (1,422) 46 *
Prince Georges 77,370 (1,354) 29 *
Queen of Great Britain 2,690 (39) 1 *
St Mary’s 5,379 (121) 0 *
Somerset 2,468 (37) 0 *
Talbot 1,948 (36) 0 *
Washington 13,087 (259) 3 *
Waikamiko 7,051 (149) 0 *
Worcester 3,349 (91) 1 *
No data 0 (48) 1 *

Age group and gender

Age / gender Case Dead (number)
0-9 20,882 (3) 0 *
10-19 39,881 (6) 1 *
20-29 74,306 (35) 1 *
30-39 69,669 (77) 6 *
40-49 61,295 (225) Five *
50-59 61,143 (624) twenty five *
60-69 41,279 (1,305) 17 *
70-79 23,151 (2,060) 38 *
80 years old and over 15,103 (3,724) 92 *
No data 0 (2) 0 *
Woman 212,481 (3,889) 91 *
male 194,228 (4,172) 94 *
not sure 0 () 0 *

By race and ethnicity

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Race / ethnicity Case Dead (number)
African American (NH) 119,498 (2,786) 66 *
Asia (NH) 9,565 (281) 7 *
White (NH) 142,316 (4,138) 96 *
Hispanic 64,220 (729) 15 *
Other (NH) 19,205 (83) 0 *
No data 51,905 (44) 1 *

For the latest information on coronavirus, Maryland Health Department website Or call 211. All coverage of WJZ can be found at Click here for Maryland Coronavirus..


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