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Brave Ollie Sweeney, 4 years old, help him get the life-saving cancer treatment he really needs

Brave Ollie Sweeney, 4 years old, help him get the life-saving cancer treatment he really needs
Brave Ollie Sweeney, 4 years old, help him get the life-saving cancer treatment he really needs


When the little Ollie Sweeney was re-attacked with a rare and aggressive cancer, her mother, Lucy, was told to say goodbye to her son.

But, Brain tumor Golf ball size, 4 years old against odds, cancer freedom.

4-year-old Ollie enjoys hugging her mother Lucy


4-year-old Ollie enjoys hugging her mother LucyCredit: Damien McFadden

But now the family is facing a fight against time to stop him Neuroblastoma recurs for the third time — And you need to raise £ 600,000 for pioneering treatments at America..

Without it, Ollie has less than 10 percent chance of surviving more than five years.

Lucy told Sun on Sunday: “It was horrifying when the doctor said we had to prepare ourselves to lose the little boy.

“We were asked to sign the DNR form.

“If he held his breath, they didn’t want to revive him.

“They said it would be the machine that keeps him alive.

“He was taken to the hospice for end-of-life care.

“I remember he sleeping, holding his hand and saying I love him.

“I’m sorry to have taken you to this world so much,” he cried.

“It was the greatest relief when he went through it.

How you donate to help

There are many ways to help Ollie, such as making a personal donation, sharing his story, hosting a fundraising event, or sponsoring a challenge.

Contact the funding team by calling 0207 284 0800 or by sending an email to [email protected].

To donate by card or Paypal, please visit the following URL:

To donate in text, send the message OLLIES WEENEY and the amount you want to donate from up to £ 20 to 70085.

To donate by check, pay to “Solving Kids’ Cancer” labeled “OLLIE SWEENEY” and have it credited to your Ollie account.

Posted by: Solving Kids’ Cancer, Coram Campus, 41 Brunswick Square, London WC1N1AZ.

Lucy, along with Gary, Olly, and his younger brother Jake, told The Sun on Sunday:


Lucy, along with Gary, Olly, and his younger brother Jake, told The Sun on Sunday:Credit: Damien McFadden

However, half of children treated for high-risk neuroblastoma get the cancer back. That is why he needs treatment in the United States.

“He can recur at any time.

“We want to see a little boy grow up. Without treatment, we don’t know if he will grow up.

NaCl is Diagnosed as neuroblastoma In January 2019, just before he was two years old.

It is a rare cancer that affects about 100 children annually in the United Kingdom.

Both hairdresser Lucy and plasterer husband Gary noticed that the boy was withdrawn and his temperature was skyrocketing at the age of 35.

Lucy said: “He was a fun and cheeky boy. But he didn’t really eat.

“Every time I dropped him into the nursery, he started crying. It wasn’t like him — his entire personality changed.

“He started getting sick randomly. He lost weight.”

Ann Ultrasound Eventually he showed a lump in his tummy.

And a family from Westoning in Bed received catastrophic news from a doctor at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge that they had cancer in their abdomen, bones, and behind their eyes.

Lucy said: “They said they had a 50% survival rate and a high risk of recurrence.”

I can’t say how terrifying it was. The staff approached me and hugged me and cried.

Lucy Sweeney

After chemotherapy and surgery in April 2019, Jake’s brother Olly was in remission.

He then received radiation therapy and six months of immunotherapy, which ended in April 2020, shortly after the country was blocked.

The family considered options for fighting recurrence.

Lucy said: “In the United States, there were trials that could prevent a recurrence by giving a vaccine that was a bit like a flu shot.

“We have furiously saved and started collecting money.

“We raised enough £ 200,000 to bring him to justice.”

Lucy said Ollie


Lucy said Ollie “is happy to keep smiling and play with toys.”
Brave Olly received radiation therapy and 6 months of immunotherapy, which ended in April 2020.


Brave Olly received radiation therapy and 6 months of immunotherapy, which ended in April 2020.

However, Ollie’s cancer recurred in July. Lucy said:

“He woke up crying and hurt his head.

“We went to scan.

“Gary received a call from Ollie’s consultant and said he had a recurrence and a mass behind his ear.

“Gary knelt down and cried.”

Tests have shown that the size of the tumor has doubled.

Lucy said:

“The staff came to us, hugging us and crying.

Lucy said:


Lucy said: “The chance of survival is 50% and the risk of recurrence is high.”

Treatment of Invasive Tumors Is a Challenge-Carroll Cooper, Sandctor

Neuroblastoma is rare, but it is still one of the most common cancers that can develop in young children.

No one knows the cause.

However, the cells of neuroblastoma come from immature nerve cells in different parts of the body, such as the abdomen, chest, spine, and adrenal glands near the kidneys.

Symptoms include abdominal pain, wheezing, and back pain.

It all depends on where the tumor is growing.

One amazing thing about neuroblastoma is how volatile it is.

In some cases, the tumor may disappear spontaneously.

In others, it is an aggressive cancer that spreads rapidly not only to the surrounding organs, but also to more distant parts of the body, such as the brainstem, where it can quickly become fatal.

Doctors use scans, biopsies, and genetic tests to determine the risk of a particular tumor

The biggest challenge is how best to handle the most aggressive types.

Choices include chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy, often in combination with stem cell transplantation.

Next, we focus on preventing aggressive neuroblastoma from spreading back to remote parts of the body.

Immunotherapy with antibodies that destroy the remaining cancer cells may help.

However, as Ollie’s parents know, there is more than one ideal treatment for every child, and research continues.

Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York, where ✓ parents want to take him, is probably the most comprehensive neuroblastoma center in the world, offering a combination of treatments, including vaccines and liquid radiation therapy. I will.

“As the tumor continued to grow, it pushed the brainstem, stopped Ollie’s breathing, and was told that there was little chance of survival.

“Chemotherapy can take up to 10 days to work, and they didn’t expect it to work fast enough.

“We signed DNR, but felt we had no choice. Connecting our boy to a machine wasn’t life either.”

When the chemotherapy worked, Lucy told them to tear the DNR.

She said. “The tumor has shrunk. Filler is starting to get better again.

“He has experienced heavy chemotherapy, 12 hours of surgery, stem cell collection, radiation therapy, and many side effects over and over, and is playing with toys with a smile.

The family has already raised £ 247,000 out of the cost of £ 600,000 to send him for treatment in New York.

Lucy said:

“The whole process takes about a year and we continue to raise money.

Brave Ollie dressed as video game character Mario


Brave Ollie dressed as video game character MarioCredit: BPM
Lucy said:


Lucy said: “The whole process takes about a year and we continue to raise money.”
Lucy says:


Lucy says: “We know Ollie can get over this, he has shown that he is a fighter.”Credit: Damien McFadden

“He hasn’t spent much of his childhood so far and is grateful for the little things he does, such as going to the park.

“We know that Ollie can get over this, he has shown that he is a fighter.

“We need to make sure he didn’t fight the fight in vain.”

  • Additional Report: Lynsey Hope
Coleen Nolan talks about family cancer fighting in Piers Morgan’s life story

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