This list categorizes healthcare guidelines by age group
In the many turmoil that COVID-19 has brought to our lives over the past year, the interruption of routine medical care is widespread, but often overlooked. A Johns Hopkins study found that 41% of American adults abandoned medical care During the pandemic; the majority of them reported that they had canceled selective surgery and skipped visits for general health examination and preventive care. Reasons for this included the closure of outpatient clinics during blockades, concerns over overcrowding in hospitals, fear of coronavirus capture, loss of insurance, and financial difficulties. With clinics reopening, infection rates declining, and vaccination efforts underway, people are trying to reschedule their absent appointments.
Once you get into health care, take a look at the list of precautions and see what each of us needs based on age, gender and current condition. The following information is US Preventive Medicine CommitteeA panel of medical and public health professionals appointed by Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.. Grouped by age to show when screening or treatment should be done.
All adults:
-Annual blood pressure check.
-One-time blood test for HIV and hepatitis C. Testing can be repeated for continuous monitoring in high-risk populations who should also receive pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV (such as injectable drug users and men who have sex with men).
-Testing for tuberculosis, syphilis, and hepatitis B in high-risk people, as determined by race / ethnicity, occupation, sexual orientation, and history of exposure.
-Questionnaire to check for depression, alcohol, tobacco and drug use.
-Genetic counseling for women with a family history of breast and genital cancer associated with certain mutations.
-Screening for cervical cancer by Papanicolaou stain specimens every 3 years or human papillomavirus test every 5 years.
-Testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea in sexually active women.
-Counseling to minimize exposure to sunlight to prevent skin cancer in fair-skinned people.
-Questions about intimate partner violence in women of childbearing age.
-Folic acid supplements for women who are planning to become pregnant or who may become pregnant.
-Men’s blood cholesterol and lipid tests.
-Hormonal therapy for women at high risk of breast cancer, as determined by family history.
-Blood cholesterol and lipid tests for women.
-Blood sugar test to check for diabetes in overweight people.
-Statin drugs to lower cholesterol in people at high risk of heart disease and stroke.
-Colon cancer screening. Several methods are available – annual stool samples, CT scans every 5 years, or colonoscopy every 10 years.
-Mammography that screens women for breast cancer every two years.
-Annual low-radiation CT scans to look for lung cancer in people who smoked an average of 20 years or more, still smoked, or quit smoking less than 15 years ago.
-Low dose aspirin to prevent heart disease in people with risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and smoking.
-Measurement of bone density in female osteoporosis.
-One ultrasound of the abdomen to check for aortic aneurysms in men who have smoked before.
-Questions about function, mobility, gait and weakness to assess the risk of physical falls.
Last column: COVID-19 Pandemic Mental Health Victim
As required by the Affordable Care Act, all of the above services are fully covered by non-paid and non-deductible health insurance plans, so you don’t have to worry about paying at your own expense.
Ultimately, preventive care is a decision that balances benefits and harms. The USPSTF makes recommendations by assessing evidence from clinical studies, considering pros and cons at both the individual and population levels. The group also regularly revise its guidelines as new tests, treatments and trials emerge. For example, universal screening of prostate cancer in men without a family history of breast cancer and mammograms in young women is no longer recommended.
However, these USPSTF recommendations are provided to the general public in a wide range of strokes. Your doctor may advise you to undergo a specific test at a time different from the guidelines due to your personal health history and situation. “One ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment,” so it’s important that we follow to keep the disease away, or at least detect it early.
Chin Yang and Kevin Parker are married and live in Springfield. Dr. Yang earned a medical degree from Yale University School of Medicine and completed training at Massachusetts General Hospital. She is an anesthesiologist at the HSMS Medical Group. Parker has helped develop and manage public policy in various city and state governments across the country. He was previously Chief Information Officer of the Education Group for Innovation Technology, Illinois. This column is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Opinions are the opinions of the writer and do not represent the views of the employer.
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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