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COVID-19 continues to spread death out of reach of vaccines | National

COVID-19 continues to spread death out of reach of vaccines | National
COVID-19 continues to spread death out of reach of vaccines | National


If you live in Israel, the United States, or the United Kingdom, where vaccination programs are being deployed at a remarkable rate, the future after the pandemic is beginning to glimpse. School is almost reopened, family gatherings are planned, and there is summer vacation. Just above the horizon.

But away from this handful of rich nations, a darker reality emerges. The virus is still widespread in much of the globe, and as variants emerge, heterogeneous vaccine distribution poses a great public risk.

Since mid-March, COVID-19 deaths have been on the rise again worldwide, despite rising in the United States and the United Kingdom, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. Last week, World Health Organization Director Tedros Adhanom Gebreez said the unequal supply of vaccines was “not only morally angry, but also economically and epidemiologically self-defeating.”

According to Bloomberg’s vaccine tracker, 500 million doses of vaccine are given worldwide. Shooting has taken place in about 140 countries, with the majority directed to developed countries with early doses of hundreds of millions. That disparity risks prolonging the pandemic, even where it is currently leading the vaccination race.

“We are trying to close the gap between those who have the vaccine and those who do not, in order to actually achieve the goals we are trying to achieve to end this pandemic and bring the economy back on track. The Council on Foreign Relations program said in an interview.

Covax, a facility aimed at distributing doses fairly around the world, has begun delivering shots to low-income countries such as Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, but WHO says it needs to do more. Stated.

This shows how vaccine disparities and revived viruses occur in half a dozen countries.

Israel’s economy has almost resumed, with half of the country fully vaccinated and new cases plunging.

People flock to restaurants and bars that have survived the pandemic, crowd the country’s beaches, and enjoy live concerts and soccer games in early spring.

Israel is still closed to foreign tourists, fearing that the epidemic of the subspecies could undermine the vaccination program. Still, some hotels say they are fully booked for the Passover festival. The Passover Festival is celebrated without any new restrictions on travel. This is a switch from last year when a blockade was imposed during the period to avoid a surge in incidents.

The UK is still blocked, but the government’s roadmap for resuming the economy has provided a path to normality for the vaccinated population earlier than any neighboring country in Europe.

The country has recently passed the milestone of giving first doses to more than half of adults. A daily record was set on March 20, and almost 1.3% of the population was inoculated in one day. Hospitalization has also decreased by more than a fifth from the previous week, providing some relief for the National Health Service.

Schools are reopening and some employees are starting to return to offices in London’s financial district, but residents will not be able to eat at restaurants or buy unwanted items at stores for another two weeks. .. Still, the government hopes to lift all blockade restrictions by June 21, including allowing nightclubs to reopen.

Since mid-February, daily deaths have been steadily declining as the state promoted faster vaccinations, balancing medical concerns with protests by blockade prevention groups.

Still, the gap remains. New Mexico administers at least one dose to more than one-third of the population, while Georgia controls one-fifth. Inequality also exists in racial groups. In 16 US states and Washington, DC, less than 10% of the Hispanic population has been vaccinated as of Wednesday. This is a milestone that most states reached in the white population a few weeks ago. Still, more than a quarter of Americans are first vaccinated.

Formerly the epicenter of the American pandemic, New York City’s restaurants can now operate indoors with 50% capacity, and many diners occupy Manhattan’s covered sidewalk seats. Mayor Bill de Blasio has announced plans to vaccinate theater industry workers at a vaccination center in Broadway in preparation for the scheduled reopening in September.

Approximately one year after the virus first arrived and two months after vaccination began, Brazil is experiencing the worst pandemic ever.

The vast Latin American country reported 3,650 deaths on Friday. This is the best victim of every day. On Wednesday, it became the second country after the United States, which recorded 300,000 deaths. Only 6% of the population has been vaccinated since it began vaccination in mid-January. The crisis closed borders, imposed travel bans and urged neighbors to demand forced quarantine.

President Jair Bolsonaro, who has long downplayed the coronavirus, has promised to speed up his vaccination efforts. The resurrection of the pathogen follows months of relatively loose rules, including New Year celebrations and secret parties before and after the carnival season in Rio de Janeiro. The rise was also consistent with the growing dominance of more contagious strains found in the northern cities of Manaus.

India, a huge key to vaccine production to supply low-cost injections to much of the world, is struggling with vaccination. Currently, about 1.4 billion countries are delaying exports to maintain higher doses domestically after new infections have increased six-fold since February, exceeding 60,000 per day.

This week, the government expanded its reach to everyone over the age of 45, allowing a huge network of private hospitals to charge vaccine subsidies. These moves could boost immunization rates and help Prime Minister Narendra Modi reach her goal of immunizing 300 million Indians by August.

India was reluctant to re-impose the blockade after last year’s costly closure helped stop the spread of the virus, but there is growing concern that tighter restrictions may be needed. ..

A year after becoming Europe’s first virus hotspot, Italy was again forced to impose costly blockades.

In the countries with the highest death toll in the European Union, highly contagious strains are spreading nationwide, resulting in an increase in daily deaths from the beginning of the month. Prime Minister Mario Draghi has pressured the EU to rely on pharmaceutical companies to respect its commitment to provide vaccines, while Italy has warned that it will block exports by companies that violate the contract.

A general has been appointed as the new virus emperor to speed up the deployment of the vaccine and ensure that all Italian regions maintain their pace. Draghi hopes to gradually ease the blockade of Italy after the Easter holiday and vaccinate 80% of its citizens by the end of September.

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